Monday, February 28, 2011

Brown Mucus Instead Of Period?

March, the feast of Nature

In Aínsa celebrated the "Festival of the Tree and the Bird." (Photo: C. Smith)


ADELL CAST and José Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio

"March Marcero,
that FAIGA Guen
sun and heavy rain falls ..." .

To the Romans it was the first month of the year. This month the weather effects are seen in the expressions of the people, so they say it starts to "mark" when winds are scrambled. It is a month puzzling, as reflected in the following proverb:

"March Marcero;
morning dog face, and in the afternoon
handsome young man."

Plantings have already taken place almost entirely during the month of February, except oats in Matidero and elsewhere, as indicated Arazo and Cañas (1), which reflect the popular saying:

"February Oats
fills the barn, but not Matidero
. "

The marzas

Here in February there was still enough snow in the fields. It was the time when the farmers were engaged in hard work of digging the vineyard. Now they are already scarce. According

says Antonio Beltrán, Ansó were in the river one of the three washes year, using ash for Bleach, the former was in Advent, preparing clothes for Christmas. Arnal Cavero

narrates that the mountains around Alquézar, "March is the month of the ninth: San Miguel, San Antonio, San Jose and San Francisco Javier (2).

The first Friday of March, said that the devil saint celebrated his or her birthday. In Huesca this day did the Stations of the Cross procession, starting from the parish church of San Pedro el Viejo, with the Nazarene, to the hermitage of Salas.

. Alquézar (Photo: C. Smith)

also had a fair. In 1932 he created a new fair livestock of all kinds in Barbastro, for 20, 21 and 22 March. Upcoming dates in Sariñena fair was celebrated Palm Sunday chivalry.


The Burial of the Sardine (Goya)
Carnival Over time, came Lent. There are forty days of fasting and penance, marked by the Church. His conclusion is variable depending on Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Palm Sunday, although the days of austerity will last until Friday. In the early centuries was placed Lent from Sunday to Friday, but then went ahead to Wednesday not to treat on Sundays, when the Church could not conceive of fasting.

This party arose, by virtue Church, for better preparation for Easter. The number forty was established on the basis of being a "number" is widely used in the Old and New Testaments. Forty were the days that Jesus spent in the desert before beginning his three years of the so-called "public life". Doña

Lent is one of the symbolic characters contained in the Book of Good Love, the Archpriest of Hita. Is opposed to Don Carnal, each with his time of reign.
Lent is located between the feast of the pagan-like Carnival and Feast of the Passover, the most important holiday of the Christian world.

Easter is the central feast of the whole cycle: Carnival-Lent-Easter-Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Corpus. Easter is the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, located at the beginning of spring, while Christmas is the feast of the Nativity, located at the beginning of winter.

Lent is represented in the form of old with seven legs, that meant the seven weeks that it lasted. Children when Sunday Mass became a foot cut. Came to be a calendar of these days, with seven herring dangling from it, symbolizing the prohibition of eating meat.

These days were not allowed theater, you could not hunt and usually not opened in theaters. The time was longer, hence the saying "this is longer than Lent."

Fasting was very rigorous and it only evaded the sick or those who purchased the "bull" to eat meat.

Occasionally Lenten rules were violated. So on Ash Wednesday, the sardine is buried despite being a day of fasting and abstinence was not always respected. Sunday "Piñata" was the first Sunday of Lent and on that day will be continued with the dances, costumes and feasting.

"Old Remolona"
Alcubierre (Photo: C. Smith)
Some of our peoples still survives the "old lazy" or "old dragged its feet", which is usually held the third Wednesday of Lent. According to Manuel Benito "serves to remind the nature of the emerging spring victory, symbolized here by the children, they are the ones who party on the old and lazy winter not to end to leave and which is drafted by a carnival-like doll '(3).

In Alcubierre children leave school by a gang, throughout the morning, to pray for the houses with a broom covered with a black scarf, which he called "old dragged its feet". In each house they sing:

"The old dragged its feet
not eat bread,
only chulla
chocolate and if you give it.
Children of school,
all pray,
when the rooster crows
give us what we ask. Quiquiriquííí

Torres de Montes (Photo: C. Smith)

Torres de Montes in children build a snowman or "puppet", with whom he also tour the home.

The celebration of the "old lazy" refers to the "sawing vella" that exists in Catalonia. The fourth Wednesday of Lent the children come in groups of four or five with a basket and saw a big stick pretending to saw at every door, singing a song. Collect eggs, sausage, nuts, etc., and to celebrate the end of a snack. Maybe it's a way of expressing that Lent is long and there is some joy at having reached half of it. Formerly

Lent was full of prohibitions of all types and abundance of fasting, abstinence and sermons. Some municipalities, such as Huesca, paid the preacher or "Lenten" which preach in church or cathedral.

in Huesca, according to the findings José Antonio Llamas Almudébar up "brothels in the city remained lonely and the concubines in the most appalling misery, as the two hundred lashes and other penalties at the discretion of Mr. jurors did not stop being a total brake the momentum of young admirers "(4). This is expressed by the writer Huesca following a proclamation of 1621, as contained in the Municipal Archives.

Something similar must occur in other English cities. Suffice it to say that in Salamanca, after the ordinances given by Philip II, who forced the House of Salamanca was evicted brothel in Lent, called "Water Monday" after the Passover, the Salamanca brought back to boats on the river Tormes those women, whose trade or profit was revised by the so-called "father whores." Even the figure of a doll in that day, the children now called "Father Lucas."

The Tree Festival

"He that planted a tree before he died has not lived in vain"


In the twenties, mainly during the month of March, was extended by Aragon holding a nice holiday called "Arbor Day" to pay "cult" to the tree. The children were the main protagonists are developed similarly in all places: the appointed day, school children and the general neighborhood would gather in the square or near the Town Hall, waiting for the ringing of bells announced the departure of the procession to the place where he was to take place the planting of trees there, the parish priest blessed them, officials read speeches, emphasizing the love of trees, indicating the beneficial influence of trees in rainfall, in temperature regulation, such as flood forecasting, and so on. The children read poetry allusive, and then the City Council gave them a snack.

With the desire to instill in children respect for trees and encourage them to promote this event, once they reach older, gave effect to the Royal Decree of January 5, 1915.

In 1921 he first held this event in Laperdiguera; the Music held a parade on the appointed day (March 14) and half an hour later, a bell ringing all the population concentrated in the village school, the procession marched towards the church to attend mass. During the trip the children, accompanied by the teacher and the music they sang the songs of "explorers" and "Flag." At three o'clock a bell ringing again announced the departure of children from school, with its tree on his shoulder, and girls wearing on his head a nice banner, the site of the plantation trees placed children in the holes that their fathers had done in the morning. Then several children, the teacher, the mayor and the priest made speeches highlighting the benefits of the tree. The children were treated to a snack and, at night, went the round of the boys with the singer Antonio Bareche.

The Paul (Photo: C. Smith)
at the Paul, after the ringing of bells started from the Place de la Justice, the national flag colors, turning to the planting site (in 1926 along the river Gallego, at the point called "half-Monreal "and the priest blessed 300 poplars and poplars were planted before the municipal guard), nor missed allusive speeches, snack for children and singing hymns to the tree.

In Aínsa was called "Festival of the Tree and the Bird." It began Monday with a tour through the streets singing hymns, accompanied by the orchestra, who ran the local violinist Pedro Lacambra and which distinguished the remarkable guitarist Miguel Monclús, Morillo de Tou. All balconies looked beautiful tapestries, banners and English flags, in the square stood a triumphal arch colorful and whimsical ornaments placed roads. The trees were planted in different parts of the town, before being blessed by the priest and, as usual, there were plenty of speeches and a banquet. In

Canfranc Costa remembered the words of "Spain in a nation, among others, have the wrong stone, "alluding to the numerous glades. Planting in 1926 was held at the River Walk.

A rondalla nourished Villanúa enlivened the act. The procession gathered in the main square to hear the children recited poems and hymns, a "Save the Tree" and "Hymn to the Tree" original oscenses Banzo Manuel Manuel Montorio and Echenique. In 1926 seedlings were planted during the game called "The Paul "placing 125 Canadian poplar, from the nursery in San Rafael that the Sixth Division, Forest Hydrology was installed in this term.

In Aguero, after planting (in 1926, on the banks of the road) the procession came to a place called "The Garage" where children sang songs alluding, accompanied by musicians Manuel Santamaría, Liborio and Alfredo Núñez Curto, and speeches. In February 1926, the City planted 12,000 pine trees in the vicinity of the village.
Aragüés In the village of Puerto the children were traveling in formation, led by national flags, chanted compositions dedicated to the Tree and the country, the planting site (the "Source" new "is many limes planted in 1927).

Peñalba Children went to "oozes" rather than planting in 1926, singing hymns to the tree and flag. After the speeches were distributed among the children the traditional snack consisting of sausage, orange and the corresponding roll.
Salas Altas (Photo: C. Smith)
Salas Altas this event held in 1920 for the first time, planting trees in the chapel of the Candelaria and the Plaza Mayor. Pomar from five in 1922. Angüés, Castejon del Puente, Javierrelatre Fonz and the first held in 1926 in Angüés, the term "The Rasal" and planted Castejón Barbed hundreds of poplar on the banks of the Cinca.

Binaced children carried in his hoe on his shoulder and a few pitchers of girls that are watered the trees, all sported flags with the national colors.

Ontiñena (Photo: C. Smith)
. Discover
demonstrating their "religious and patriotic" exercise were: La Almunia de San Juan, Alquézar, Arasanz Benasque, Asin, Bielsa, Bolea, Fiscal (in 1920, on the banks of the River Ara), Huesca (the children in all schools came to the hill of San Jorge, or, as in 1920 and 1922, the road Salas, known as the Cross), Javierregay, Peralta de la Sal (in 1926 on the sides of the road at the entrance and exit of the village), Ontiñena (in 1926 at a place called "Well"), Esplús ( in 1925, by the way Binaced, the hill where stands the church of San Roque), Sariñena, Valfarta, Velilla de Cinca ... Citation

  1. ARAZA, A. and ROD, C.: "Matidero, at the head of Alcanadre" in Cuadernos Altoaragonesa . April 29, 1990.
  2. ARNAL CAVERO, P.: High Aragon. Zaragoza, P. 144.
  3. Benito Molina, M: "The cycle carnival in the Central Pyrenees" in Annals English Village Museum . Volume III. 1990., P. 119 and 12O. FLAT
  4. ALMUDÉBAR, JA: "Gloss No. 138: In that the municipality got parishioners" in Folletón Altoaragón . Fascicle 93. Six March 1983, p. 9.

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Fiestas and traditions, enjoy!


Friday, February 18, 2011

How Much Does A Bearded Dragon Shit

Carnival (1)

Trang Bielsa, at the Carnival more ancestral Aragon (Photo: JA Adell)


ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and We

time Carnival. It may seem a truism that times have changed, but the reality is that in those populations where Carnival has been recovered, it has nothing to do with the old and which has remained, even in Franco period, the been some changes.

Carnival Days are Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, ie the three days preceding Ash Wednesday. But other days may be designated as the beginning of Carnival ("Thursday fat", San Antonio. Etc.): "To San Anton, Shrovetide are."

Its origins must be placed in the Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Lupercalia Matronalia, according to anthropologist Caro Baroja, although survivals of pre-Roman cultures. Bakhtine put into a common trunk various parties (the donkey, the crazy ...) and Carnival, which reflect an alteration of the established order of the world upside down.

Fight Between Carnival and Lent (or Bruegel Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559)
In the Middle Ages are the struggles of Don Carnal and Doña Cuaresma, when the Church has assimilated the celebration by placing before the Lenten period, to be period of fasting and austerity, compared to Carnival, a period of excess and overeating.

Among the various meanings of carnival is to highlight the following:
  • a) Step of death (winter) to life (spring).
  • b) Commencement of the production cycle of nature.
  • c) time reversal phenomenon, which also bears his scheme on other parties.
  • d) Celebration of the holidays.
  • e) Changing roles and social roles.
  • f) Review of the established power or of the surrounding culture.
  • g) glorification of oppressed social groups or sectors.
Its geographical expansion is primarily related to Western culture or peoples who were colonized by them. Are world famous Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires and Trinidad, in English, or Venice, Cologne and Nice in Europe.

In Spain, virtually all regions have been populations maintained under Franco celebrations despite the prohibitions. The best known, in the tourist side are those of Tenerife and Cadiz. Other ritual are invaluable Laza, Galicia, those of Tolosa, Basque Country, those of Lanz in Navarra, those of Ciudad Rodrigo, La Bañeza and community Cebreros Castilian-Leonese, those of Miguel, in Castilian-La Mancha community, the Belgians, in Valencia, those of Villanueva de la Vera and Badajoz in Extremadura, and Villanova and Geltrú, Sitges Solsona in neighboring Catalonia.

Carnival Aragon

Zaragoza Carnival 2008 (Photo: C. Smith)

In Aragon we must distinguish between urban and rural carnivals. Among those in Zaragoza city are marked by the figures of Shrovetide and the King of Gallos. Picnics, the heifers and costume parties are the biggest events. I recall the "Cincomarzada" as eminently carnival party, but normally located in time of Lent.

Within the province of Zaragoza are outstanding Épila Carnival, where there is competition mascarutas murgas and walk the streets, the mayor being locked at home during those days.

Teruel in the province must mention some peculiarities of Aliaga (throws water syringes), Cella (Will keep puppets), Mirambel (with the "motley") and Mas de las Matas (with its "mochiganga").

In the province of Huesca discussed below, not without mentioning the excellent work of Manuel Benito Moliner. The cycle carnival in the Central Pyrenees where he says that "the carnival itself is the central ritual and principal of a cycle that seeks to fertilize the earth and everything depends on it. This ritual does not begin and end in itself, but given the importance of the purposes intended, must be preceded by others who believe the most favorable conditions for the occurrence Carnival "(1). For that reason many of the festivals are in the Alto Aragón Carnaval find ingredients. Josefina

Rome in this sense, speaks of the translation of the features of Carnival to other parties: "On the other hand, being Carnival, the mirror that you look at other parties, has come to be understood as its ceremonial the Party in general, and no wonder that the holidays have in part some of its characters, that people who hold it seem merely indicative party "(2). Joseph C. Lison said that "the carnival party has been very similar in their development throughout the province and, although there are many variations between people, all agree in their overall development" (3). The truth is that we have to clarify that there are differences Carnival acute between mountain and plain, and between urban and rural.

Some features of the carnival Aragon
  • A) Reversal of social role or character set.
costumes in which men put women's clothes or vice versa abound in all populations. On the other hand we must consider other parties close to the Carnival in which the protagonists are the sectors in the rest of the year does not assume a dominant role. So with the holidays for children (St. Nicholas or Old Remolona), women (Santa Agueda or Santa Apolonia), animals domestic (San Anton ), and so on.
  • B) Change of personality.
The costume can take a personality and to perform actions that might otherwise cause rejection. In the Pyrenees belsetanos find the interesting characters of "Trang, the madams, the amontato, the Galucho, the Garreta, the onsos" in existing Ansó "or Toledo, or seeded, the Mortalla." Some costumes as expensive as the dress of empty snail shells sewn into the fabric of Baragua and other Pyrenean populations have passed away.
  • C) peirote or bubbler.
Eve is built in old clothes, which is inserted straw or paper. It is called by various names, the best known is "carnival bubbler or peirote." However, in our province are other special names: "Uncle Sopes" in Albelda, "Rep. Gutierrez" in the State; "Juan Gerunio" in Eriste, "O Peter, in Panticosa the" Prin "in Colungo , "the ninots" in Fraga, or "Cupid" in Buera. Join rounds and other events. In going round the back of a mule. It destroyed the last day with popular opinion: in the fire, water, shot, and so on. Symbols of evil and impurities to be destroyed.
  • D) The food.
not conceive a Carnival without sumptuous feasts. Normally collected by the house servants sausages tortetas, sausages and other products matacía, beans, potatoes, eggs, meat, cakes, chocolate, etc..

These celebrations usually involved only young men, although there were also only men and in other cases was the entire village. Of course also drank too much wine, spirits, and so on.
  • E) jokes.
The days before, in some towns of the mountain, and come dressed for the houses, so in Bielsa's "Galucho" and lurk in the home from the feast of San Anton.
In the days of Carnival were changed place objects, were made "masquerade" of ash, water, flour or azulete (Field), are chasing the girls and boys (Trang) and even going to annoy people nearby.
  • F) Transfer to other parties.

Other festive celebrations, as we alluded to above, kept the character of the Carnival. Indeed, before the ban on the party began to gain importance other festivities that had collected various ingredients it. So it is with the party of the fifth. In Tamarite populations, Altorricón or Albelda, the fifth party is almost a full week of idleness of its participants, which made rounds through the village and the towers to order meats, participate in dinners every day and pray ; tease and the fifth attempt that year to do something sounded.

Also some other celebrations in the province of Huesca retain the character of the Carnival. Is the case with the party of "Old Remolona" Torres de Montes or Alcubierre, which is also round and burning or destruction of lazy, despite his party takes place in full Lent.

Survivals and new

Bielsa Carnival 2008 (Photo: Francisco Calvo Sánchez)

To study a traditional carnival, perhaps we have no choice but to enjoy the festivities of the places where they have not interruption imposed after the Civil War. The highlight of Bielsa with his characters and their ritual of deep meaning, Gistaín Valley (Plan, San Juan and Gistaín), or the Country.

In recent years the various populations have recovered, but the conclusion is completely different. Almudévar cite, Ayers or Torrente de Cinca. To have appeared traveling carnivals, this is the case of The Fueva or the Vero. Among the urban carnival worth mentioning those of Fraga, Huesca, Monzon and Sabiñánigo, without detracting from those of other cities. On the other hand, few schools where no organized "school carnivals."
. Citation

  1. BENITO, M.: "The cycle carnival in the Central Pyrenees" in Annals English Village Museum . 1990, vol III, p. 108.
  2. ROME, J.: Aragon and Carnival. Zaragoza, Ed Guara, 1984, pp. 91 and 92.
  3. LISON, JC: Culture and identity in the province of Huesca (A View from Social Anthropology) . Zaragoza. CAI, 1986, p. 178.
Posted in Notebooks Huesca, a supplement of the Journal Altoaragón . Sunday February 21, 1993
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Fond écran Gayfriendly

Carnival (2)

Bielsa Carnival (Photo: JA Adell)


By Jose Antonio CAST and Celedonio ADELL RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA

Nowadays the carnival celebration does not save the temporary rigor of the past. Ash Wednesday put the final touch to the carnival with the burial of the sardine. In some places the first Sunday of Lent, known as Piñata Sunday, could be considered as a continuation of the Carnival.

The Carnival had its very different from the plain and ancient rituals, as discussed below.

Anso and Echo Valleys

With the Civil War was lost Carnival Ansó . It started the so-called Carnival Sunday and lasts until Ash Wednesday. The first event was the round of Carnival. The waiters dressed Espedido roamed the houses and baskets (folded). Collected lean bacon, eggs ... in addition to the typical cakes made for these days bumps. The round was carried out by fifths, accompanied by accordionist Bini, and everything collected is organized snacks every day of Carnival.

Among typical masks or costumes, but also beyond the Pyrenees, were "or Toledo, a kind of bull horns chasing everyone and especially for girls; "Or Planted, two men carrying a" chub "(yoke), another holding the fourth seeding implements and ashes and throwing it to anyone who was at their scope and" as Mortalla "which came out at night and were dressed a white sheet and playing a esquileta to scare people. Other costumes were the "Onso", based on animal skins and face masque, the "Marica", a man dressed as a woman or vice versa, and pastors.

In Echo matched to the Carnival festivities. In the four days was sheared with costumes and horns, dinner, pray and dance. In Urdu through the streets with a sack of ashes, dressed and Esquillan, causing people to flee. In Siresa cowbells and wearing thick "or Sowing" threw ash.

About this valley in Puerto Aragüés of young people also drew bells and cowbells and through the villages nearby. At present, the lads will give charivaris Aragüés to Jasa.

In the latter population, the "Burial of the Sardine", was organized a procession to the outskirts of town, opened a hole and buried there sardines, which previously were shot. Crumbs and meat to the pastor, or grilled, it was the usual menus these days.

Channel Berdún

In Berdún dressing and carrying bells producing a thunderous sound. The costume were called "ragged."

In Bailo were collected, by the house of the population and the pardinas now abandoned, "chulla" that pierced the Espedido, and all kinds of sausages with which organized a delicious snack.

Old Aragon

Shrove Tuesday, as he relates Violant i Simorra, they made "a giant called peirote, who was paraded through the village in the arms of the girls." One of the typical costumes this population and other upcoming dress was covered with empty snail shells, sewn into the fabric.

The Carnival festivities were as animated as the employer. They spent several days of fun, dressing up, organizing dances and snacks with food that is collected by the house. In Botaya used to be the girls who were dressed in coats and skirts old and french fries prepared pans with eggs after the dance.
In Castiello de Jaca costumes were used in ancient costumes grandmothers. In Aratores the burial of the sardine through the streets of the town with the "puppet" as protagonist.
In Villanúa, at the funeral sardine, were spent numerous jokes. He once donned a disguise a blood sausage in the neck and cut with a knife to believe that they had cut the neck and to a lot of blood flowed.

In Canfranc this peirote or bubbler was called "Perico", being burned on Tuesday in an empty.

Jacetano Carnival had a more urban character. Today it has recovered, with parades, children's party, parade of floats and burial of the sardine. Should be considered especially Carnival organized in the ski resorts nearby.

. The Serrablo

Sabiñánigo in 1985 regained the Carnival, which also have its festive side the cultural side, with lectures, workshops masks, exhibitions and so on. The significant character of this festival is the "king taunts, which participates in the parade and at the end, after the trial, the statement executes.

These days the typical crespillos were tasted and drank quemadillo. Costume parties are organized and on Sunday "Piñata dance, which auctioned a magnificent" toya ".

Acumuer In constructing a peirote was paraded through the streets on a "esturrazo" dragged ox. At the end was shot. Also in the puppet got a bottle full of milk, she placed a hollow willow branch and, when squeezed, pulled the liquid that stained with the people.

Borrés he walked in on a donkey and the end was burned. In Larrés the doll was also taken in the round.

Escartín met in separate boys and girls. Then closed all masked and was made the round, picking up meat for a snack stop.

criticisms were made in Biescas on issues of local life. In Sobremonte Aso is masquerade and crespillos ate dessert typical of this conference.

Panticosa In , as in Biescas, has recovered the celebration of Carnival. The puppet would be burned by the panticutos "or Pedro de Carnaval", which was carried on the shoulders of the streets, sang and gave him drink, holding a buttons in the gut that changed when filled with wine. It was in the forties when the boys built the last "o Pedro de Carnaval", which hit five shots and burned the last day.

Bielsa valleys and Chistau

Carnival is where we find more rooted in the province, which is not allowed to hold and despite the prohibitions of the Franco regime.
Bielsa Carnival 2008 (Photo: Francisco Calvo Sánchez)
Bielsa In the "tranga" will find the music accompanied the "madams." The square dance features numerous characters: "Garret", "amontato", "onso" ...

The "tranga" aimed at children, hit the ground, they lift their skirts for the girls and so forth. In the plaza inviting peach cake and wine. The last day burns "Carnival", which has been hung on the facade of the Town Hall.

Carnival of
Gistaín, Plan and San Juan de Plan alternate, currently in different Sundays to allow greater participation and even greater incentive for visitors.
In San Juan de Plan is prepared "muyén" or peirote by the stewards, that night hanging on the balcony of City Hall. At noon on Saturday will pick up and mounted on a donkey, to that line. Starts the round by the town's streets, eating and drinking in every house and collecting meats in baskets which are then consumed in different teas and dinners. Once the round ended, five stewards go to look at five "madams" and organized a parade, to be followed by dancing. The last day is burned "muyén."

Carnival Violant Gistaín was described by saying that i Simorra young people dressed as "muyens" and "madams" daubs them and they with the finery and best tape they found. Dancing with a handkerchief he beat the dancer or dancer and, after some pieces, was discovered face. Piñata Sunday the peirote, who had chaired most of the acts, was hung on a roof overhang. After a discussion prepared two shots hit him and burned.

In Plan, at dawn on Sunday Piñata, cows were milked for dinner that night.

. Traveling carnivals

In the municipality of La Fueva developing since 1984 the traveling carnival. It comes down to a day, which does not stop for a minute. At ten o'clock the procession formed by numerous cars and people dressed up, some of Tierrantona. Populations are crossed seventeen orchestra. It includes sausage, potatoes, eggs, and ends at night with a dinner at Tierrantona, followed by a popular festival.

is eaten at noon in Buetas, take the Solipueyo dessert and coffee and drink in Rañin. It Fosado snack. Moreover, chocolate has been given out in Tierrantona. Other stops are in Troncedo (tapas). Formigales (desserts), Palo (sardines), Smoke (Chirete) Morillo (vermouth), loggerhead (desserts), Samper (almond paste), Charo (punch), etc..

Formerly the "carazons" was the name given to the costumed waiters roamed the villages of Toledo Creme singing and cracking jokes.

Pueyo de Aragua in the two men and two women walked the streets dressed up, being treated to various dishes that collected in a basket. Despite the prohibitions of the Franco years also continued to hold the Carnival in Los Molinos, Oncins, The Plano, La Muela and St Victorian. Shrove Tuesday was engaged to a famous prowler and the waiters roamed the villages with him, being invited in all of them. By late afternoon they met at a time to consume many snacks they had prepared the ladies and join the dance.

Posted in Notebooks Huesca, a supplement of the Journal Altoaragón . Sunday February 28, 1993
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Women Clothes In Tokyo Big Size

Carnival (and 3) San Valeret

Carnival Trang Bielsa (Photo: JA Adell)


ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and

carnival in the mountain was different from the plain. In the mountains there was great respect for tradition, how he had always celebrated the holiday. In the plain, however, new elements were introduced or suppressed events from one year to another. In Carnival mountain was the feast of feasts, the plain was a celebration more.

The Sobrarbe
"What good is
the holy name of Carnival,
eat and drink and do no evil"
(Copla of Fanlo)

We discuss some of the carnivals of this region (Bielsa, Valle de Chistau, La Fueva, Pueyo de Araguás ...). Some populations have recovered in recent years the carnival tradition. This is the case Nerín, reducing its holding to the day on Saturday but has the presence of some of their former neighbors. In

Fanlo Carnival Sunday the boys were dressed and went through the houses to make a collection. With wine, potatoes, sausage, eggs and other products on Tuesday carried out a snack. The party continued Sunday piñata.

In Torla a waiter dressed in animal skins, hides and well masked, carrying a shearing and a stick. They said it looked like the devil. Shrove Tuesday, after having committed various atrocities, was arrested and tried and eventually sentenced to death in a symbolic way. This person chairing all acts and descriptions given to us should resemble the "tranga" Bielsa, the "momtxorros" Alsasua or "zanpantzar" of Ituren-Zubieta.

In the peirote Broto was led by two young men to a waterfall where he fired two shots.
In Laspuña also had costumes and jokes. The boys climbed on the roof and blackened flour with oil or ash for strollers. On Tuesday he also made an impressive round in which several mules pulling a estirazo, in which people deposited various foods, which then consume at a dinner followed by lively dance.

In Arcusa two boys dressed as gypsy marriage. The woman pretended to be pregnant. Bought a donkey, made up of two characters covered with a blanket. After buying it climbed and pulled him down. At that moment undid the deal. Upskirt, a year, a boy put his wineskin. This representation was developed in the square or street in the town.

High Ribagorza

In Eriste, "John Gerunio" doll stuffed with straw and covered with old clothes, was the star of the raids of the boys during this conference. He walked to the back of a donkey through the streets of the town and on Tuesday was being tried for his deeds and burned at the stake.

peirote In Sahún also walked the back of a donkey. A simulated doctor prescribed to those who complained to heal some funny formula.

Vilanova unfolded Tuesday boys round, which ended with a "lifara." Among the favorite jokes to hide were the women's clothes when they went to wash, get dressed at home, relocate, field implements and so forth. Castejon de Sos In the girls threw flour and ashes to the waiters. On Sunday, all dressed up (young and married), had orchestra and built a straw man who placed atop a donkey adorned with bells and ribbons. Iban the houses, pushing up the ass down the stairs, dancing and singing in every place visited.

In Bisaurri the burial of the sardine was a play, beginning with the arrest of "carnival", which was taken to the square where trial was made popular. A young man disguised as a priest until you beat the puppet speak. The responses are given another boy hidden in a nearby house, who spoke behind the bars of a window. Peirote was finally convicted. He placed the rope around his neck and was executed with two shots. Then the "dead carnival" was born with torches through the streets, with the sobs of those present.

One year the pastor wanted to ban the carnival and even fining the governor intervened he had performed the role of priest and fifty dollars. The fine was split between all four young men who played hard and, apparently, one that only got two. Then the people sang:

drives are safe and are not yours, nor mine,
four dollars are safe,
not know who they are. "

Country survives in the party. six are appointed stewards. Before they are blackened with soot from chimneys , but now employs only whiteners, like the "zarramusqueros" of Cintruénigo (Navarra).

Laspaúles children dressed in a mule walk the streets picking up meat for a snack then organize.

on the slopes Cerler ski also take place so-called "white carnival.

Baja Ribagorza

in La Puebla de Castro youth were dressed in black cloaks and penetrated by the houses that were open, trying not to be seen, to seize any food or spend a joke to the owners. In

Caladrones are still some elements of Carnival. The round passed through the streets and were out the jug.

At the end of the dance comes and then dinner. Formerly the young men with burning hemp stalks annoy the girls placing it under his legs. They responded by wiping these stems near the neck.

Cisco had fire in the square in costumes and lifaras Entenza. In Torres del Obispo were of two donkeys and matching to make styling, while that driving threw the ashes to passersby on the street.

Hopper's puppet was in court, assisting the priest (with basement and two tortetas making glasses), a lawyer and the prosecutor. In Luzas a peculiar character was the "Lady Evil", boy disguised in a sheepskin, horns and three or four candles on his shoulders, walking on all fours.

Benabarre Graus and have recovered their carnivals on two levels: school and adults.


Colungo organizes since 1993 the "Carnival of Vero, participating in various towns in the region, so rotational that are home to the acts of each year. In the puppet is Colungo called "Prin." Shrove Tuesday was on a ladder in horizontal position, carried by two servants. He was paraded through the streets singing a dirge. They placed candles on both sides of the ladder and eventually burned. In

Buera King of Carnival was "Cupid", participated in the round riding a donkey.

state on "Mr. Prudencio" peculiar character of the population in those years, he built a straw man who dressed elegantly and from Carnival Sunday until Tuesday was going to be the "Representative Gutierrez." It was a way of ridiculing the political class in the years of tourism, in which the "diputao Gutierrez" represented the chief or representative of the oligarchy that ruled the country. Barbastro

organized a carnival city, very different from that of the beginning of the century, ending on Ash Wednesday with the burial of the sardine in the chapel of the Virgen del Plano.

La Hoya and Los Monegros

carnival in the capital began on Thursday renderer, known here as the day of the "sausage." In 1910, a columnist wrote that "the Shrove Thursday unnoticed ... The inclement weather contributed to the sausage day pass without us realizing it" (1). The streets are bustling again with the masks and carnivals. Dances beginning of the century took place in society grief and Galante, while the Society's Mask organized at the Teatro Principal. In 1910, masked balls were held in the Circle of Huesca. In 1905 the most distinguished families of the city opened its rooms to hold parties during those days. The festivities were completed on Sunday piñata with masks and dances.

Ayers also were excellent in carnivals, as he writes a correspondent for a regional newspaper in 1910, citing the crisis of that year: "Those endless parades of masks, which once ran through our streets, to the delight of neighbors his cheerful talk and lively dances, formed at intervals to the beat of a guitar, this year we have not known "(2).

In Sariñena the first day of Carnival is celebrated popular fair already mentioned Madoz (3), saying attended by more than 18,000 head of horses.

in Castejon de Monegros, in the burial of the sardine, married that year should pay for the wine. botos burned oil for lighting and a mule, a cross hanging sardines, roamed the streets of the town drinking wine and complaining about the end of Carnival.

Litter and Middle Cinca
"Muscaruta, tuta,
granota face,
when you die, bad carota
(Copla of Tamarite)

Albelda ate In these days the "casola" and "Uncle Sopes", star of Carnival , had in the laundry. The local rondalla has recovered a dance in which cloak the uncle Sopes.

In Esplús married women wore a white suit with "meriñaque" and "bowling", under which put several pairs of skirts and decorated their heads with a straw hat decorated with ribbons and flowers. went about singing and spreading to all your fun.

dances were organized in Binéfar in La Palma on Carnival Sunday and the Piñata. In

Pomar bubblers were a married child included, who were in a car, and the last day burned.

In Monsoon, with the collaboration of the "pubs" are organized different events, among which the parade of parades.

Cinca Albalate appeared in the "Squillace", dressed in black and masked, who roamed the streets of the village and the one who caught him a lock of hair cut. In

Fraga Saturday evening raffle proceeds to Bacon, an event organized by the Brotherhood of St Anton. On Wednesday there is chocolate and sardines and, finally, proceed to the burning of the "ninots." Something similar happens in Torrente, where "ninots" are placed in one of the streets and allowed to lunch and dinner, also being destroyed on Ash Wednesday.

We are left, finally, to refer to the "School Carnival" which organized by schools or resource centers, in the case of rural schools, encouraging every year our schools have an important aspect: the illusion of all children for this celebration. Citation

  1. Heraldo de Aragón , February 5, 1910.
  2. Heraldo de Aragón , February 9, 1910.
  3. MADOZ, P.: Gazetteer, Statistics, History . 1845-1850. Huesca. Facsimile Ed. Valladolid, DGA., 1986. p. 310.
Posted in Notebooks Huesca, a supplement of the Journal Altoaragón . Sunday March 7, 1993
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Lenovo Motherboard Drivers

(17 February) Valentine

Ermita de San Valero Velilla de Cinca (Photo: C. Smith)


Velilla de Cinca In San Valeret celebrate, as commented Patrick Joseph Uguet in Heraldo de Aragón (26 February, 1915), "an offering of gratitude to the benefits received during an epidemic . This year there were solemn processions through the streets was running the air music playing pretty pasodobles Fraga.

trips a saint

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Track Shoes Similar To Soccer Boots

The inscription on the stone recalls the love of Rodrigo de Mur, Earl of Lapenilla, and Marica, Graus in the late sixteenth century (Photo: C. Smith)


ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and

Some of the holidays we celebrate today have come to lose, in part, its own meaning, immersed in an increasingly consumerist society. For celebrations is as universal as the "day of love."

Many of these festivals are much awaited by traders because they can always be a source of income, but may have lost some of its real meaning, its value, even romanticism. Valentine's Day is popularly known as "Valentine's Day."

Valentine, a priest in Rome in the third century, was arrested, beaten and beheaded in 270. Since ancient times has been considered the patron saint of lovers. In medieval poetry of Francois Villon, entitled "Valentine", expresses the feelings of the poet imprisoned and on that day (February 14) reminded his beloved.

Talking about love brings us to those couples who have distinguished themselves by their unfortunate love, going to the field of historical or the legendary. Do not talk about historical figures, from which in ancient times referred to Antony and Cleopatra and our Medieval Spain to Cid and Doña Jimena, whose marriage is despite having killed the father of Jimena Cid.

The Legend of Romeo and Juliet perhaps the most universal, so that has become known as the lovesick suitors "Rome." The legend comes from a tale of Xenophon of Ephesus, but among the many authors that deal with none so brilliantly as Shakespeare in his play Romeo and Juliet.

in Medieval Spain also is based La Celestina Fernando de Rojas Bachelor of two players: Calixto and Melibea.

Lovers of Teruel

"Lovers of Teruel" Antonio Muñoz Degrain.

In Aragon also have "lovers" and also with universal recognition, so that the city where the incident occurred has been renamed in some brochures, "City of Lovers."

Poster of Wedding Isabel de Segura 2008, Andrés Chueca
The legend refers to the love of Diego de Marcilla and Isabel de Segura. Also many authors have written several times about our lovers, but perhaps the best known work is that of Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch Lovers of Teruel, written in 1836. In 1961 the French director Raymond Rouleau made a film version of the theme.

Teruel Legend has historical basis, supported by the discovery in 1555 of two mummified bodies in the church of San Pedro in that city, Diego and Isabel assumptions.

The facts come to be: in 1217 Diego Marcilla falls for the daughter of Pedro Segura, Isabel, asking her in marriage, but his father reminds him that has many brothers and have little inheritance. Agree within five years to enrich Diego is going to the area of \u200b\u200bMuslims. When is the deadline, Diego returns and finds Elizabeth and married. Then she dies and, embracing his body, also expires. For this reason we agreed to bury them together in the church of San Pedro. Antonio Ubieto supports the historical value of the facts, on the grounds that both families are documented in the thirteenth century and Sunday's performance as a judge of Teruel Celadas in those years.

Today visitors come Teruel go to church of San Pedro, where you can see the chapel of lovers, and the room adjacent to the church where he represents the tomb of the lovers, whose graves were made some years ago by Juan de Avalos.

Albelda lovers
Albelda (Photo: C. Smith)

In the province of Huesca we talk about star-crossed lovers. The locations are situated and Albelda Graus. In both cases the story, with hints of a legend, dates from the XVI century.

For literana population, the stage of affairs is the castle of Albelda. We put ourselves in the population at that time with Gelabert as lords of the castle. The chronicler of Philip II, goalkeeper Henry Cock, passing through the town in 1585 writes that "Villita, buried among the rocks, near a castle and has fallen near the west, north on a high hill has a shrine San Sebastian. The church in this town are back with a date stone tower dedicated to San Vicente. " That church had been erected into a collegiate church by papal bull in 1560.

Albelda (Photo: C. Smith)

The 1585 is the year in which courts opened in Monzón by Felipe II should be moved to the king Binéfar sick and shut in the latter town in December. The monarch stays at home Binéfar Barber. Possibly from there proceed the bandit Sir Michael John Barber, who dies in Luesia in 1589.

Barber in 1585 had moved to Lupercio Lateran, another illustrious robber, on the banks of the Ebro, where the band joins the sallentino Marton. Elbow assault and then participate in the extermination of Jewry Moorish Pina de Ebro, killing two hundred Moors.

Barbastro In 1587, Monsoon and Tamarite sign a sisterhood agreement to fight the bandits, to the performances of Barber and his cronies in the area. Albelda castle in ruins, it becomes shelter Barber's band.

In Pina de Ebro, Barber had abducted two beautiful Moorish castle that would Albeldense, where they would be retained. A young Albeldense falls for one of them and in the absence of Barber enters the castle to visit his beloved.

Once Barber finds them together and displaying the toughness that characterized him hanged sends both.

The incident shocked the public and Barber had to flee to Benabarre, while the bodies of the two lovers were buried together. Barber

die assassinated a few years later by his peers, pistols, which were those who received the reward he offered.

The neighbors asked that the castle was completely demolished, as was still a refuge for bandits. Felipe II wanted to save the chapel of San Vicente which was in its enclosure, but the town, fearing new attacks by bandits, was ordered to the devastation in a letter dated April 6, 1593, while Don Francisco de Gelabert would ask for compensation as lord of the castle.

Graus lovers
From Legend grausina we have the phrase "Rodrigo loves Marica", engraved in the stone of ancient palace of Rodrigo de Mur, Lord of Lapenilla. The inscription inside was moved to the front to change hands the palace.

Mur Palace of XV century, in Graus (Photo: C. Smith)
The difficulty lies in knowing what really happened, because several versions circulating, none with historical overtones, and have even been some work who have denied the legend itself.

One version attributed Mur loves to Rodrigo, Count of Lapenilla, father and another son. The father was involved in the alterations of the area, like Barber, next to the Conde Duque de Ribagorza Gurrea Don Hernando de Aragon. He led a very turbulent life, enriched by horse smuggling and banditry. Apparently, he fell in love with Sissy, love hard, because the Earl was married. However, at least, could leave their feelings carved in stone. Others attribute the child's affairs. The legend says that the father wanted his son to marry a rich heiress of Graus, but he was in love with Mary or Marica. It appears that the father and son have their friction over these affairs, but they finally fixed the wedding to the claims of his father, and to the amazement of the guests and the bride's blush, Rodrigo taught stone plinth record commanded to leave no doubt of their love. In the end, it seems, that the wedding was Rodrigo and Marica and this time the story of the lovers would end happily, unlike the above cases.

Patron Saint

On this day some small towns celebrate or celebrated your party small. Thus, in Lacuadrada belonging the municipality of Torres de Alcanadre, now the feast of St. Valentine is the only one celebrating. On this day there is mass, procession, popular street food, and dance contest guiñote.

Javierre del Obispo, with a declining census in the town of Biescas, and does not organize any event. Abena also celebrating this holy festival in winter.

In Barbastro, the neighborhood celebrates Valentine's party, like the other neighborhoods in the city, in the summer.

Posted in Notebooks Altoaragonesa " supplement Altoaragón Journal, Sunday 14 February 1993
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hwo To Use Foxxy Proxy

New section!

Kyu uu uu u Oh oh or go zai ma its ! ~ ^ O ^ (good morning! ~)

Aliesi rises from his bed sleepy ... for the thousandth time, think when it's time to upgrade to it ... Yes, I have tried every day to know when I had to update my ... bad right?
T ////// T is what has to be a clueless sniif sniif * cries *
this morning will not be like the other days è___é I plan to upgrade even if I touch my ... I do! further that, apart from taking this horrible decision on my own: O that although it does not seem to take it cost me a lot. Besides I have to face my T ///// T schizophrenia see things that you do not see ... things related to the Otaku world ...
I see to L in all parts ... is above that with these poses that put ... arrrrgh * ¬ *
Well then what we were ... which confuses me because the subject D:
Within no fantasizing Books, will have a new section ^ ^ and what is it?
drumrolls please .... trrrtrrrtrrr ~ A * O *
In brief moments will have more information * / / / / / / *
Sa I oo ♥ ~ Al i-ch an of its n / / / / / n

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tenting Of Left Diaphragm

San Blas Santa Agueda

The Binaced Águeda by the fire of the square. Women take the people and men are mere spectators, but by far (Photo: JA Adell)


ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and
Image of St. Agatha of Selgua (Photo: C. Smith)
Santa Agueda, Agate or Gadea was born in Palermo in the third century, Catania being martyred in the year 251. His feast is celebrated on 5 February and is the patroness of women.

Traditionally, St. Agatha was the patron of married women and Santa Apolonia (February 9) I was unmarried, although nowadays usually single and married her party held jointly, except in some populations of Lower Cinca where both celebrations are held.

The most popular holidays in our country, dedicated to Santa, are the Zamarramala in Segovia, where appointing two mayors, mayors of the religious, who dressed in rich robes and carrying XII century rod presidential authority the procession of the saint, after which all women are dressed girls that accompany them. Hold a dinner at which the priest is the only male involved. Acts to end the ancient dance of the wheel.
Escatrón (Photo: C. Smith)
In Aragon is known the festival dedicated to the Holy Escatrón , which is worth mentioning the procession of the blessed bread and dancing in the film, which is part of their peculiar dance, the one in Aragon is played only by women. Josefina

Rome says that the sign for milk is present in this celebration, as well as that of St. Bridget (February 1). St. Agatha, who was cut in both breasts martyrdom, is the patron saint of women who raise them. So the party is regarded as married couples.

is also a party investment, foreshadowing the Carnival . In a rural society where the man was about roles, she moved to the man at the assumption of these roles: organize your food, get to dance, participate in the round, and so on.

Mayor for a day
Tardienta (Photo: C. Smith)
In Tardienta women name their mayor. Before the war, women went to the shrine of the saint buried today. Hermitage Road and at a place and near where it passed by men, who were married in that year they had to teach the other league, consisting of a swift with both ends forming two branches.
Grañén (Photo: C. Smith)
Grañén In the eve, at midnight, was appointed by the mayor, who receives a bouquet of flowers and the baton from the mayor to hold the government of the people for twenty-four hours. Earlier in the day of the Saint, the men were not the people, and if you catch some "had the old." The "run of the roulade, in pairs, one of the moments most anticipated day. Roscones, who have been blessed in the religious celebration, they run to the sound of music. No matter what is successful, then it will be shared in open guild.

Also in Castejon de Sos woman is elected mayor with a baton, respecting their decisions even in regard to municipal life.

Verses, coplillas and "cuplillas"

"Today is the feast of St. Agatha,
by many martyrdoms the
posing and his father, who was a great heretic, Agatha's breasts
commanded cut.
get up devotees of Agatha,
that we will pray the Rosary,
women in this holy town
for today be the day of redemption. "
( Alcalá del Obispo )

The coplillas, also called couplets or cuplillas "Santa Agueda, the women sang six or seven o'clock, then went to ring the bells and occasionally joked with the men who were in their way. then to the chocolate.
Poleñino (Photo: C. Smith)
Poleñino In between corner and corner touches the bell (they have ever been to "esquillón") before going to pray the rosary: \u200b\u200b"Today is a day of great joy, which we will asociarcelebrando sludge Santa Agueda gloriosay not forgetting San Sebastian .... "

The mairalesas, one married and one unmarried, are responsible for organizing events in honor of the saint. The single mairalesa through the streets collecting money in the days before this date to cover expenses. After lunch, the runs are disputed or roscones Tortel pedestrian and pulled the rope.

Albero Bajo El blessed bread is distributed and women "Bandi" bells.
Pertusa (Photo: C. Smith)
Pertusa In the eve, sing to Santa on the door of the church. In the morning, at five, sing coplillas and then attend the recitation of the rosary. After preparing the chocolate and attend noon mass. The feast is prepared by the four mairalesas, who are dressed manolas, blanket and comb. Are spread over the cake and buns blessed among the population.

In Antillón coplillas also sang and played that day "olleta" pouting. Also in Argavieso coplillas was singing before sunrise, invited to pray the rosary.
Berbegal (Photo: C. Smith)
Berbegal In the party is in full force. In this township we find the ancient shrine of St. Agatha, with a megalith. There are mass coplillas, food, bonfires and a dance year.

Castejón In Monegros made chocolate, but before the women also sang songs and dances organized. In almost all people are singing the coplillas monegrinos had foot races and women.
Flumen San Lorenzo (Photo: C. Smith)
San Lorenzo del Flumen has recently raised a chapel dedicated to St. Agatha. In women Lalueza caused great buzz on this day, roaming the streets with a car when caught branching and a waiter will not let go throughout the day forced him to drink and be at your service. Playing football against married unmarried, and at night they dance and round.
Lalueza (Photo: C. Smith)
In Marcén women had run, snacks and dancing.
Marcén (Photo: C. Smith)
In Garden and other towns in the area ran the thread, as we described in Grañén .
Garden (Photo: C. Smith)
Peñalba In married organize their festivals, especially dancing and bonfires, while unmarried women have the reply on the day of Santa Apolonia.

Lanaja sang in the church door couplets like this: "A Santa Guede benditale cantarpara come to save us the day we tetael children.
Peñalba (Photo: C: García)
Alcofea Peralta (Photo: C. Smith)
Alcofea In Peralta, by morning, there is bell ringing, religious acts in which several women are dressed manolas with their black suits and combs, and the sharing of cake out of the church. In the afternoon, racing on the square and skill games, to finish the dance. At one time the cake was run by men. So in 1927, as described in La Voz de Aragón, "in the religious ceremony was blessed cakes with the attendees were presented, which were then further trophy for the winners of the pedestrian runs that were held by the later, and were Plácido Tornos, Juan Gambau and Bernardo Lopez, married, unmarried children, respectively "(1).

The party was organized by the "overseer", supported by other women. The day before sang a beautiful romance to Santa and then other romances and ballads to the priest, the mayor and family, the teacher and the veterinarian, accompanied by local musicians.
Peraltilla (Photo: C. Smith)

Peraltilla In and some populations of Somontano choose a prioress, to be married, and his assistant to be single. They are responsible for organizing the festival and raise money to cover the days before the party and also for the needs of the parish.
Robres (Photo: C. Smith)
Robres In women emulate men's suits, in Sena burn an effigy, a prelude to the Carnival, in towns of Jacetania no lack of women's dinner ...

Women Binaced
Binaced Women celebrating the feast of St. Agatha (Photo: JA Adell)
. . Day February 5,
very pointed, St. Agatha

venerate holy.
Águeda Poor
this day I cut off her breasts

being alive. " The

coplillas to Santa, in this population, we are at the time of day that women "take" the population. By the evening was passed by the house to pick up the cake and bottle of champagne, one for home. Many women, on that night, or even lie down.

the day of the patron is praying the rosary, procession and chocolate in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. This place is preparing a large bonfire that will burn throughout the day.

Meanwhile, the liveliest have gone to wake the neighborhood and to have been introduced by the house if someone was asleep out of bed. Others have begun the first jokes directed against the baker, the milkman or a absent-minded traveler who has passed the occurrence of this day by the population.

At noon we celebrate the Mass and the parade. Then comes the common meal round the fire to make the rum burned. It is the most dangerous time for men who come for that place. The atmosphere is heated and the jokes are of diverse cultures. If anyone wants to be funny not escape the fall ritual of pants, but on that day everything is accepted with good humor.

The celebration ends with the dance, where they eat the cake that was collected the day before and where, of course, men are invited to dance, eat and drink.

The mule round
Fornillos (Photo: C. Smith)
Some people have as their patron Saint Agatha in her honor and celebrate the festival or small. On this date are the main festivals Arrés, Fornillos (in La Hoya), Salinas de Jaca, Usana and Raluy depopulated.
Ontiñena (Photo: C. Smith)

is the second Bentué of Rasal party, smoke Rañin, Aesthetics, Latre, Ontiñena , Pardinilla, Rañin, Sinués, Solipueyo, Villacarli and are devoid of Puy de Cinca and Torruellola de la Plana.

Ontiñena In the days before the party through the village to collect eggs or money. Women make cakes that will be distributed, after blessing the day of the patron. Other featured acts include dance costumes, and the test cucañas cross country district school. Once, after the ringing of bells announcing the beginning of the neighborhood parties, singing the traditional romance to the Virgin, repeating then the girls of the town and strangers, traversed by the piper. There were foot races, horse runs tapes, concerts and dances in the theater and lounge Guioni chickens.
Fonz (Photo: C. Smith)
Some stocks held for San Blas festivities include the Feast of St. Agatha as the third and final day of festivities, linking both parties with the so-called "San Blaset." In Fonz, for some years, women organized the so-called "round of the mule, one of them, dressed in their finery, mounted a mule richly caparisoned with ornaments and bells, covering all households, along with the round. The fun all day long is continuous, bell-banding, men jokes, songs ... The next day still held Santa Aguedeta.

remains, finally, discuss the urban holding, because in rural areas in almost all populations are celebrations in his honor, especially in central and southern regions of the province. The Huesca, according to The News published early this century, on this day "were many devotees, mostly female, who went to visit the shrine of the Martyrs, located outside the city, where they worship the image of the saint "(2).

In Jaca, after the Mass, share some delicious pastries called" tits. "Binéfar is a bonfire in the square and community meal in which only involved the women. In almost all our cities Housewives' Associations have organized various activities, including cultural weeks vindication on the rights of women.

  1. La Voz de Aragón , February 15, 1927.
  2. The News, February 7, 1909.
Posted in Notebooks Huesca, a supplement of the Journal Altoaragón . Sunday February 7, 1993
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