These days the Club was discussed on the goodness and cited the Pope. See in the picture of Mother Teresa, a symbol of personal econónomico disinterest, and inclusion for all.
These days the Club was discussed on the goodness and cited the Pope. See in the picture of Mother Teresa, a symbol of personal econónomico disinterest, and inclusion for all.

opposite them is the person on the other hand, pursues an economic interest in the illegal sale of counterfeit and evil, and excludes ninguneo his neighbor.
We also saw that this Club spoke of Evil of son of the Beast and Antichrist.
EVIL SHOWS HIS FACE EXTREME , with the wicked procedures. A very bad person is one that:
has uttered dire threats to kill two people in this club .
always generates problems and conflicts.
ninguneo excludes and divides the fans of Manuel Garcia Ferre with his selfishness and egocentricity.
Extropea purposely and with threats , the call to gather signatures for the plaza since it was not his idea and is very envious.
Forge for profit marketing dolls with characters Manuel García Ferré and Dante Quinterno , for illegally selling unlicensed Mercado Libre, nicknamed LUISITO67 . He
Mauro and Chiche blog to defame FANAS that fails to deal with as they please.
That has all vices, envy, selfishness, homosexuality, lust, greed and scorn .
all know who that person Mala. It's a crazy loose, which has much hatred and emptiness in his heart. is known as BARBI .
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