Title : Emily the Strange II: More and more strange
Author: Rob Reger and Jessica Gruner
Editorial: SM Group
13. If you like, is capable of seeing through you.
but prefer to stay with her four black cats, or caring for your garden of weeds, or put the whole neighborhood upside down with some "ultimate prank, or visit a dead ancestor with a device made from sticks polo and guitar strings.
Personal Review:
Emily is a different girl with a brilliant mind and an ace for mechanics.
At the beginning of the paper shows us an angry because Emily has failed to make a Final Mischief before leaving live elsewhere. Once there you settle into your new room, and human error, just doubling herself with a machine that you created.
At first they become very good friends and think of mischief together, but in the end the differences end enmity.
Emily is sure she is Labuena and that is the original, however, believe the other is Emily Lamal and thus the names throughout the day. Moreover
Crow donated to science because of his stupidity and that always ends up mingling things but science ends up being a trio of women love cosmetics and stubbornly searching Cuervo a boyfriend.
Now Emily must find a way to stop and recover Lamal Cuervo, do you get?
Emily's diaries are full of humor short books, drawings, cats and more cats, you will spend great time with them but, yes, do not expect a soap opera full of backgrounds: that would ruin the magic that has Emily.