Hello dreamers!
After much mystery, black feathers and blue butterflies discover the secret. The book is about Angeles Butterflies and , the first of a trilogy called Love with Wings juevenil.
The author of this story is the Argentine novel writer Zitterkopf MatÃas, who debuted with his first book. In principle, the book will be published in several electronic formats to be read on computers and other electronic devices. This makes the price is more affordable and can be purchased worldwide.
The book will be released very soon by the hand of Canadian editorial Muza Publishing Inc. The official booktrailer be released soon. Matthias
want to thank all the blogs that have provided great help and all that have given their unconditional support.
He invites them to continue their Official Website: http://www.matiaszitterkopf.com.ar/ where you will find all the information. Here we leave the cover of the book that was submitted recently and was designed by Sonia Nieves and Carolina Varela. Also a summary of the book and photo of the author.
Here we leave the synopsis;
What would you do if you knew who your guardian angel? What if I fall in love with him? Amelie Roger probably asked him many times before loving you. When you decide to leave the life and recognize that he has friends, she meets the mysterious Bastian, who changes his way of feeling forever. Filled with mixed feelings, Amelie confuse hatred for love. Unable to deny what your heart and mind scream out loud, accept that he loves with all his soul, as never before had happened.
an angel But love is not easy, because the demons also exist and they fight. Between battles and obstacles, only love will lead her to take the tough decisions.
We fantasizing!
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