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Carnival (and 3) San Valeret

Carnival Trang Bielsa (Photo: JA Adell)


ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and

carnival in the mountain was different from the plain. In the mountains there was great respect for tradition, how he had always celebrated the holiday. In the plain, however, new elements were introduced or suppressed events from one year to another. In Carnival mountain was the feast of feasts, the plain was a celebration more.

The Sobrarbe
"What good is
the holy name of Carnival,
eat and drink and do no evil"
(Copla of Fanlo)

We discuss some of the carnivals of this region (Bielsa, Valle de Chistau, La Fueva, Pueyo de Araguás ...). Some populations have recovered in recent years the carnival tradition. This is the case Nerín, reducing its holding to the day on Saturday but has the presence of some of their former neighbors. In

Fanlo Carnival Sunday the boys were dressed and went through the houses to make a collection. With wine, potatoes, sausage, eggs and other products on Tuesday carried out a snack. The party continued Sunday piñata.

In Torla a waiter dressed in animal skins, hides and well masked, carrying a shearing and a stick. They said it looked like the devil. Shrove Tuesday, after having committed various atrocities, was arrested and tried and eventually sentenced to death in a symbolic way. This person chairing all acts and descriptions given to us should resemble the "tranga" Bielsa, the "momtxorros" Alsasua or "zanpantzar" of Ituren-Zubieta.

In the peirote Broto was led by two young men to a waterfall where he fired two shots.
In Laspuña also had costumes and jokes. The boys climbed on the roof and blackened flour with oil or ash for strollers. On Tuesday he also made an impressive round in which several mules pulling a estirazo, in which people deposited various foods, which then consume at a dinner followed by lively dance.

In Arcusa two boys dressed as gypsy marriage. The woman pretended to be pregnant. Bought a donkey, made up of two characters covered with a blanket. After buying it climbed and pulled him down. At that moment undid the deal. Upskirt, a year, a boy put his wineskin. This representation was developed in the square or street in the town.

High Ribagorza

In Eriste, "John Gerunio" doll stuffed with straw and covered with old clothes, was the star of the raids of the boys during this conference. He walked to the back of a donkey through the streets of the town and on Tuesday was being tried for his deeds and burned at the stake.

peirote In Sahún also walked the back of a donkey. A simulated doctor prescribed to those who complained to heal some funny formula.

Vilanova unfolded Tuesday boys round, which ended with a "lifara." Among the favorite jokes to hide were the women's clothes when they went to wash, get dressed at home, relocate, field implements and so forth. Castejon de Sos In the girls threw flour and ashes to the waiters. On Sunday, all dressed up (young and married), had orchestra and built a straw man who placed atop a donkey adorned with bells and ribbons. Iban the houses, pushing up the ass down the stairs, dancing and singing in every place visited.

In Bisaurri the burial of the sardine was a play, beginning with the arrest of "carnival", which was taken to the square where trial was made popular. A young man disguised as a priest until you beat the puppet speak. The responses are given another boy hidden in a nearby house, who spoke behind the bars of a window. Peirote was finally convicted. He placed the rope around his neck and was executed with two shots. Then the "dead carnival" was born with torches through the streets, with the sobs of those present.

One year the pastor wanted to ban the carnival and even fining the governor intervened he had performed the role of priest and fifty dollars. The fine was split between all four young men who played hard and, apparently, one that only got two. Then the people sang:

drives are safe and are not yours, nor mine,
four dollars are safe,
not know who they are. "

Country survives in the party. six are appointed stewards. Before they are blackened with soot from chimneys , but now employs only whiteners, like the "zarramusqueros" of Cintruénigo (Navarra).

Laspaúles children dressed in a mule walk the streets picking up meat for a snack then organize.

on the slopes Cerler ski also take place so-called "white carnival.

Baja Ribagorza

in La Puebla de Castro youth were dressed in black cloaks and penetrated by the houses that were open, trying not to be seen, to seize any food or spend a joke to the owners. In

Caladrones are still some elements of Carnival. The round passed through the streets and were out the jug.

At the end of the dance comes and then dinner. Formerly the young men with burning hemp stalks annoy the girls placing it under his legs. They responded by wiping these stems near the neck.

Cisco had fire in the square in costumes and lifaras Entenza. In Torres del Obispo were of two donkeys and matching to make styling, while that driving threw the ashes to passersby on the street.

Hopper's puppet was in court, assisting the priest (with basement and two tortetas making glasses), a lawyer and the prosecutor. In Luzas a peculiar character was the "Lady Evil", boy disguised in a sheepskin, horns and three or four candles on his shoulders, walking on all fours.

Benabarre Graus and have recovered their carnivals on two levels: school and adults.


Colungo organizes since 1993 the "Carnival of Vero, participating in various towns in the region, so rotational that are home to the acts of each year. In the puppet is Colungo called "Prin." Shrove Tuesday was on a ladder in horizontal position, carried by two servants. He was paraded through the streets singing a dirge. They placed candles on both sides of the ladder and eventually burned. In

Buera King of Carnival was "Cupid", participated in the round riding a donkey.

state on "Mr. Prudencio" peculiar character of the population in those years, he built a straw man who dressed elegantly and from Carnival Sunday until Tuesday was going to be the "Representative Gutierrez." It was a way of ridiculing the political class in the years of tourism, in which the "diputao Gutierrez" represented the chief or representative of the oligarchy that ruled the country. Barbastro

organized a carnival city, very different from that of the beginning of the century, ending on Ash Wednesday with the burial of the sardine in the chapel of the Virgen del Plano.

La Hoya and Los Monegros

carnival in the capital began on Thursday renderer, known here as the day of the "sausage." In 1910, a columnist wrote that "the Shrove Thursday unnoticed ... The inclement weather contributed to the sausage day pass without us realizing it" (1). The streets are bustling again with the masks and carnivals. Dances beginning of the century took place in society grief and Galante, while the Society's Mask organized at the Teatro Principal. In 1910, masked balls were held in the Circle of Huesca. In 1905 the most distinguished families of the city opened its rooms to hold parties during those days. The festivities were completed on Sunday piñata with masks and dances.

Ayers also were excellent in carnivals, as he writes a correspondent for a regional newspaper in 1910, citing the crisis of that year: "Those endless parades of masks, which once ran through our streets, to the delight of neighbors his cheerful talk and lively dances, formed at intervals to the beat of a guitar, this year we have not known "(2).

In Sariñena the first day of Carnival is celebrated popular fair already mentioned Madoz (3), saying attended by more than 18,000 head of horses.

in Castejon de Monegros, in the burial of the sardine, married that year should pay for the wine. botos burned oil for lighting and a mule, a cross hanging sardines, roamed the streets of the town drinking wine and complaining about the end of Carnival.

Litter and Middle Cinca
"Muscaruta, tuta,
granota face,
when you die, bad carota
(Copla of Tamarite)

Albelda ate In these days the "casola" and "Uncle Sopes", star of Carnival , had in the laundry. The local rondalla has recovered a dance in which cloak the uncle Sopes.

In Esplús married women wore a white suit with "meriñaque" and "bowling", under which put several pairs of skirts and decorated their heads with a straw hat decorated with ribbons and flowers. went about singing and spreading to all your fun.

dances were organized in Binéfar in La Palma on Carnival Sunday and the Piñata. In

Pomar bubblers were a married child included, who were in a car, and the last day burned.

In Monsoon, with the collaboration of the "pubs" are organized different events, among which the parade of parades.

Cinca Albalate appeared in the "Squillace", dressed in black and masked, who roamed the streets of the village and the one who caught him a lock of hair cut. In

Fraga Saturday evening raffle proceeds to Bacon, an event organized by the Brotherhood of St Anton. On Wednesday there is chocolate and sardines and, finally, proceed to the burning of the "ninots." Something similar happens in Torrente, where "ninots" are placed in one of the streets and allowed to lunch and dinner, also being destroyed on Ash Wednesday.

We are left, finally, to refer to the "School Carnival" which organized by schools or resource centers, in the case of rural schools, encouraging every year our schools have an important aspect: the illusion of all children for this celebration. Citation

  1. Heraldo de Aragón , February 5, 1910.
  2. Heraldo de Aragón , February 9, 1910.
  3. MADOZ, P.: Gazetteer, Statistics, History . 1845-1850. Huesca. Facsimile Ed. Valladolid, DGA., 1986. p. 310.
Posted in Notebooks Huesca, a supplement of the Journal Altoaragón . Sunday March 7, 1993
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