
was banished for having his tongue faltering, while Vincent was subjected to horrendous torture.
Despite the torture, narrated in the Acts of Passion Hispanic, Vicente showed great courage and firmness in the faith. Once dead body was exposed to dogs, but remained intact. It was then put into a sack with a stone as ballast and thrown into the sea. The waves him back to shore and was found buried under the sand.
When persecution of Christians ended up in a small church where the relics lay in the neighborhood of the Roque de Valencia. In the fourth century a church was built San Vicente de la Roqueta, to be renewed by Bishop Justinian in the sixth century, then fell into ruins. Apparently his relics were transferred there. Lisbon Castres and competed for the privilege of owning them. San Vicente
exercised the patronage of major cities: Valencia, where he was martyred, or Lisbon, where they found his remains. In Rome there are three churches erected in his honor. Prudencio
him among the martyrs of Saragossa in the hymn and IV of St. Augustine Peristephanon mentioned with passion in his sermons, of which four round. In one of them, on the day of your party, said:
"What religion or what province which make up the Roman Empire or any other place where Christianity has spread not happy today celebrating the birthday of St. Vincent? ".
According to Joan Llopis, San Vicente was the most famous ancient martyr the entire Iberian Peninsula. liturgical literature emphasizes the theme of the character of the Holy undefeated in his martyrdom, playing with the etymology of its Latin name, meaning "victorious".
In the parish church of San Esteban de Litera is He is represented on the altar, to the left of the Saint that gives its name. To the right is the other Saint Lorenzo Huesca. The three martyrs (Esteban. Vicente and Lorenzo) are deacons.
On this day (January 22) in Valencia is typical "porrat, or sale of candy or dried fruit. In Catalonia there are numerous towns that bear his name (St. Vincent de Callders, Castellet, in Montalt, dels Horts, Torello, etc.). Many places celebrate their festival or small, accompanied by the killing of bacon, which also occurs in the population literana of Albelda.
San Vicente is the patron of farmers and vintners villas. Many proverbs refer to the adverse weather these days, the coldest of the year. In the east there is a saying that "per San Vicent, they end up and started Boires els vents. In Catalonia a saying refers to the dos Santos and Vicente Lorenzo Huesca as marking the end of the days of extreme temperatures in winter and summer respectively: "Freds on heat i Sant Vicent San Llorens, not last gens ".
The Ghost in Huesca

Huesca (Photo: C. Smith)
San Vicente is the co-patron of Huesca along with San Lorenzo, which is why the Council Huesca organizes a series of events in honor of the Holy Huesca, in what might be called winter festivals of the city. We must out on the eve of the fire, next to the college that bears the name of the saint, which comprises roast potatoes. The day of the pattern, in addition to religious ceremonies in the church of San Vicente, a variety of festive activities, cultural and sporting activities.
During the week the holiday is celebrated, organize events of all kinds. One that has already become a classic is the Memorial Cross Jesus Luis Alos, which once bore the name of the Holy and is now dedicated to this young athlete, who died in 1977, noted for his human qualities and sports. Other acts include Jack contest, concerts, theater, etc..
The festa of Tosin

Collegiate Church of St. Vincent de Albelda, built in the sixteenth century, late Gothic style (Photo: C. Smith)
In Albelda, once, on the eve of the feast was made an explosive mixture with wood, stone and a detonator. That was "faith PETA on castell" in an unexpected time caused a deafening noise. During the days before this party arranged the roads, taking charge of the mission the "official" (barbers, blacksmiths, carpenters ...), considering that they are privileged, since it ran the pick and shovel in the entire year. For that reason must work together on these dates.
The Collegiate Albelda is under the patronage of San Vicente, in whose honor they celebrated the winter holidays. In one of the days of the festival goes to the hermitage of San Sebastian, where they sing the joys and distributed the "bread Caritat."
For eight years the rock "The poor" organization called "Festa del Tosin." One of the holidays is dedicated to this celebration. In the morning there is breakfast with chocolate and pasta. By mid-morning lunch is provided consisting of grilled pork. At noon the meal consists of soup and pork stew. Kill half a dozen bacon to invite attendees. It is the feast of the matacía par excellence.
Quinquilla The late Joaquin Carrera, people's poet, wrote the proclamation in the festivities of San Vicente-1977:
"Ibsen Avuy Valentine's nostre
festa tots Patró
to vuy you out in this petit Pregó
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... and l'an Alguns
in coca and chocolate
and uns altres or Paran
in vermouth and some tapes.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Avuy days
s'acomensat Vintage at Mass, that yam anat ben
in abricu raincoat. "
Esplús Roda and elsewhere
Esplús (Photo: C. García)
Esplús When the Muslims conquered in the year 1092 and be located within the so-called kingdom of Monzón, Sancho Ramírez delivery Roda estate to the Town Council of Isábena, one of whose employers also is San Vicente.
The festival is celebrated with religious ceremonies (Mass preacher praising the virtues of the holy procession) and profane (dances, rounds and games).
Roda Cathedral dedicated to San Vicente, for which reason there are religious celebration on that day. Other saints who exercised patronage of the population are St. Augustine (festival}, San Valero (buried in the Cathedral) and San Ramon (Bishop rotense headquarters, also buried here).
Near this place, Capella is the small party. On this day we go to the shrine of the holder and there is mass distribution of cake and a few years, dance.
In Beled also Ribagorzana land, the unique festival is celebrated this day. It only lasts one day, although in recent years to reduce the mass.
in Larue, municipality of Bailo, celebrations in honor of San Vicente have moved to the last Sunday of August, and is programmed dances, performances by Jack, guiñote championship, football, etc.. However, it was held in January bonfires on the Feast of St. deacon.
Abadiado In lands in Sasa, the party was small, as in La Almunia del Romeral, and was also former employer of Siétamo, under whose patronage is devoted their parish. He missed the pilgrimage to the shrine of San Vicente in El Grado, which festival is preceded by the fair, each January 19 and attracted their neighbors and showmen. Gone
parties in his honor at Araguás (party), and in the wilds of Cillas (small party). The Pamporciello (party), Finestra (pilgrimage to the shrine of Santo), Griébal (party). The Almunias (small party), Obago (party) and Pano (small festival and pilgrimage).
Posted in Notebooks Altoaragonesa " supplement Altoaragón Journal, Sunday 16 January 1994
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