Temptations and fabulous beings San Anton is in the desert, according to legend, gives rise to this event is a precursor of Carnival ("Passing San Antón, Shrovetide are" in Lanaja added: "(...) the fog into a corner and eggs to daffodil), with theatrical performances in some places (Maestrazgo Teruel and Els Ports de Morella).
In almost every village light bonfires on the eve of the Feast of St., next to which neighbors gather to eat meats and drink wine and spirits. Yesteryear ate baked potatoes at the same while singing the old familiar song:
"San Anton is a Frenchman,
that came from France to Spain,
and what have their feet
San Antón is ...".
It represents the Holy accompanied by bacon, cured miraculously having one of these animals. Fraga Even drawing the "San Anton bacon."
He is considered the patron saint of domestic animals are blessed on this day, even in the case of the animals with specific rituals such as "the three laps." It is also the patron of the carriers, working with mules and horses.
In Lanaja the priest blessed the horses, placed in "ringl" in the "small square of the church or down the street. barley also had the best there was in the house" is said:
Day 17, San Antón, a fog
corner and every rabbit with liebrón, and arriving in January
trail the hare "(1).
turn of the century, the guild of porters and unloaders organized various festivities to celebrate the feast of its patron. In Zaragoza, the day before, took the opportunity to burn all the junk in public.
had populations in which a wealthy owner celebrated his name day, as in Erés (Antonio Polo), paying for the service. In Quicena Pardo family also paid by the party since time immemorial.
The "pllega" of Ribagorza
in different populations of this region have a tradition of collecting food by the house on the morning of the day. Afternoon is auctioned and the profits used to cover the needs of the parish. In some places in Catalonia there is also this auction is called "the charm of St. Anton."
Caladrones are collected in the morning several batches of food that give the locals. Left on the altar of the Holy, and after the Mass and the singing of the joys we proceed to food auction for lots in the square. They are sold well above their real value, especially the pies. Once all the lots auctioned, it goes to local social, where you eat cake and drink blessed wine. The money collected, which exceeds one hundred thousand pesetas, comes to the parish.
Benabarre Day In San Anton only done collecting, the auction will be left for the day of San Sebastian. In Hopper is the small party. In the morning take the offerings to the marketplace, will be blessed and, after mass, auction. Esparaber house was once the "bread Caritat."
In the Brotherhood of the Holy Graus auction as indicated in the Sports Centre Recreation and Gradense. At Capella, the "pllega" not organized the parish, but the City Council.
in La Puebla de Castro, "Bourbon", the sexton, is in charge of collecting tubers for all households. After Mass Raffle is made of what they learned, used to arrange the chapel of the Holy. In Secastilla, the day, light a bonfire and roasted sausage and meat. In Ubiergo no fires, and distribution of religious celebration cakes.
In San Quílez Santaliestra and the sheriff gathers its food with a tractor and trailer for auction in the afternoon. PERARRÚA had also bid for the cult of the saint, who has a chapel in the parish. Pano was the festival, with a pilgrimage to the shrine of the patron, in the former monastery of San Juan Bautista.
Field, Antonio Longans collects all the houses they want to give the Holy, always responding with "the Holy reward you." In the afternoon we made the batch auction and the money was paid his cult, which has a chapel in the street its name.
were the holidays and Esterún Llert joint in the valley of Bardají. The Mass was Llert and dancing hammers home or at home Pedro de Esterún. In Chia is the small party was also Liri, but now has no celebration.
The Holy Land
Pyrenees In the mountain villages of our mules and horses blessed on this day, they were particularly important in their household economy. The current
Paternoy depopulated, in the municipality of Bailo, the pattern had for three days of festivities. The ringing of bells and the firing of bombs in the Plaza Mayor announced the start of the holidays, at night carrying out the rondalla a famous singer (Labarta Cruz in 1934). Pattern day, after mass band played on, was a procession, and then concert and dance. The next day disputing the running and shooting bar, in the afternoon, as usual, was killed two beautiful goats. In villages
Valley Echo the blessing of the horses was the main event of the day. At Echo were released in an era and there the priest's blessing effected. In Siresa the blessing at the source and donkey races were made. In Urdu the blessing was in the door of the church and was distributed Embún bread Caritat "to attendees.
Abena, Jarlata, Binu and Sasal came on this day, it was the day of the Brotherhood, on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Santa Quiteria, was also small Novés party, all in the town of Jaca.
In this time of year during the harvest collection the summer and had burned in half and it was time matacía. This situation is reflected in the peoples of the accurate Serrablo saying:
"San Antón January
half barn, half barn, I
in whole or salting."
was also auspicious time for parties, because the weather did not allow work on the mountain or in the field. Thus, St. Anton is the pattern of Escuer Alto (uninhabited), Escuer Low, Fable (uninhabited). Yéspola or Javierrelatre, all in the Serrablo. The Sobrarbe
, Clamosa celebrating his small party, Fumanal and The Capana its main festival. In Margudgued together to Boltaña, still commemorates the Holy fires and other events. There are shrines dedicated to St. Anton in Toledo cream (not worship) and Samitier. They are also small parties and Torrelisa Vero Vincentians.
Sobrarbe In Upper children did on this day "Esquillan" with bells ("Callaguas") to the outskirts of the town or the streets thereof. Bielsa is the feast of the boys and "Goluch" are introduced in the House without notice.
Traditions in plain
Despite the cold typical of the era is the festival of Castilsabás, Lascellas and Chalamera and was the deserts of Montarnedo and Alcan.
Castilsabas remain in the fires and the religious ceremonies, but no longer sing in the streets coplillas:
"San Antonio Abad, the brave,
long fought with the enemy;
put him in the paths and forests
ties abundant, with bad intent. " In
Lascellas where Hermitage has dedicated the past ten years there are only religious celebration. On the eve Chalamera are bonfires all over the streets and the celebrations end on the day of San Sebastian.
are Castillazuelo small parties, Fourth, Olvena, Pueyo de Fañanás, Torrente de Cinca and Zaidín. In some of these populations the main party was held, but later moved to summer.
In Torrente, the day before a monumental bonfire lights, not off the entire party. It many kilos of roast meat, sausage, sardines ... and drink many liters of wine from the tank installed there. The day of the pattern is mass, procession and distribution of blessed bread.
Zaidín San Antón (Photo: www.zaidin.org )
In Zaidín, the day before the fire burns on top of chapel as a warning to the others are lit all over town. The day the owner several beautifully decorated floats up to the shrine, accompanied the procession. There is no Mass, singing of joy, blessing and sharing of bread Caritat "and eating it, with good wine by the fire lit the night before. On that morning, once, they danced the "ball of coke were" in a public square, and later auctioned.
are also winter parties (third party) of Castillonroy. The day before they light a bonfire next to the Holy Pilaret. The celebrations usually last for two days.
Similarly, neighborhoods and streets are named after the Holy organize their bonfires and celebrations. So it is on Calle San Antonio de Alcubierre or Tamarite of the same name. In this population was customary for a young man rode a mule, donning a crown and a sword in his hand. He was known by the name of "king of the sword." In this inserted the cakes that gathered in homes that animals have "standing round", to the sound of music playing companions. At the end of the tour the group who had accompanied him proceeded to eat them, with great noise and commotion.
Huesca in the neighborhood of San Lorenzo has a great tradition this holiday. In the plaza of Santa Clara are roasted potatoes and wine offered to attendees. In this place animals are blessed and do not need the lunch of chorizo, sausage, sardines and wine to the neighbors. There
the Holy shrines in other populations. In Alquézar it goes to the shrine, which is near the town, where cake and wine distribution. Recently the local council has instituted the awards San Antón, delivered to those most have been diligent in improving some aspect of the villa.
are various celebrations of this date, so that it can be argued that almost all populations Altoaragonesa have a ceremony at this time. Some traditions have been lost with the mechanization of the countryside and the disappearance of the animals. In Albero Alto
mules were blessed and then took them to drink. Albero Bajo In barley also was blessed and made to turn the horses around the church, usually three. In
Burceat house party is the White House now Bielsa. In Grade also had "pllega" and the horses passed under the image of the saint which stood in the square. In Ilche \u200b\u200bgave the animals three times around the church, its owner must pray an Our Father and Hail Mary in each of them.
In The Tormillo no chocolate and food. In Peñalba was a ban social and moral to kill the bacon on that day, it was believed that it might offend the Holy. In Valfarta racing mules were made. In Selgua gave three turns to a cross now did not exist. Monsoon is distributed in cake and wine after the religious ceremony. Alcolea del Cinca There the Confraternity of San Antonio Abad, which is responsible for the mass and fellowship meal on that day. Fraga
In the feast of patron saint of animals, at the beginning of the century, was the most popular character. "They walked the streets yoke twelve spirited, happy and rich bundled the boys wearing the luxurious and classic costume of the country" (2). The Holy Brotherhood organizes the raffle of bacon "now Carnival on Saturday.
Barbastro was customary in ancient times to the devotees of St. Anthony gave away leg of pork to be auctioned. Citation
- Data taken from the work provided by Macario Andreu and conducted by the Association FAL (I Fablans l'Aragones Lanaja) on Lanaja behavior, Fable and Castilian: add Goyos uitantiun nueuzientos thousand.
- The News, January 30, 1909.
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