ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and
San Sebastian (day 20, a soldier martyr who survived the strafing with arrows ordered by Emperor Diocletian, has been invoked in many places as counsel for the plague. Manuel Benito said that in places where there are votive celebrations in honor of San Fabian and San Sebastián is due to seek protection in epidemic situations.
Young people also have chosen as a standard, especially those who are going to be soldiers, although some people are married who celebrate it. In many populations is revered patronage sharing with San Fabian.
In some populations were very typical behavior, such as "cercavilla" of Castelserás, which gave the signal to light a great fire, which burned several poplar brought a few days before the plaza around it, the are the flute, danced the dance known as the "Rodat."
all neighbors in Barrachina still maintain the tradition of fasting and abstinence from meat on the day of San Fabian and San Sebastian. At night they sang a save in the "Pairon" call of the saints, and, once completed, it was customary to dance the parish priest, the preacher, City Hall, the secretary and all the court as a whole at are the flute and drum.
Lawyer fever
At various points in the Alto Aragón find the power of San Sebastian protecting the people of devastating epidemics. According to oral tradition has it, the dreaded bubonic plague that affected Laluenga like many other people, stopped for a January 20, the feast of San Sebastian, which is why he was taken by the employer. The festival lasted five or six days, there were dances, bonfires, round two overseers and two mairalesas gathering with "servilla" all the houses and at the beginning of the century, "chicken run."
The great devotion to the Santo led the small party that is the term called "San Sebastiano", today celebrated the third Sunday in August.
festival in Granada San Sebastian acquired range of local celebrations in the twenties, after a flu epidemic affecting many homes for many people but had little impact on this town. The acts consisted of mass in the chapel, dances and bonfires, when they were dying, preparing the classic garlic moron. " San Sebastian
also protected from the plague to the inhabitants of Almunia de San Juan, the day before the bonfire is lit and spread quemadillo rum. After the Mass and procession, the brothers invited a popular wine to all attendees.

The Feast of San Sebastian Street Belver local party had character. Castillon for Cortada reflects what tradition says: "a plague spreading rider walked his horse by all the river towns, passing through Belver was struck by lightning, killing the rider and horse, leaving the deadly cargo in the right place the modern main procession "(1).
Quintos and married
A San Sebastián is considered the patron saint of servants and soldiers. In the fifth Bolea are organizing a long session of dancing. Old were also Plasencia del Monte-fifths of those who were responsible for carrying the base of San Sebastian (Holy Warrior) in the procession. Wife's Eve In preparing the "Masada of charity" and the day of San Sebastian the boys smoked the "May" before bidding.
In other towns who were married on this day celebrating the holidays, so in Castejon de Sos, is the "party of the married" and appointing three stewards, are mass, dancing and round, cakes and money collection. Escalona celebrates the same holiday with bonfires, mass distribution charity dinner married and dancing. In other villages also Sobrarbe Day celebrations organized the "party of the married." Coronas Mariano remembers, among the customs of this festival, the round, the collation, offertory, etc. (2) Similarly was celebrated in Laspuña and Tella, in this place went on a pilgrimage to the shrine.

with the same name is known Aínsa small party, in the main square spread bread, they eat with good wine and a cake auction produced each year by a different family, is called "party of charity. "In 1932 there was a procession with the image of the saint, celebrated the feast of the components of society, San Sebastian and, after distributing charity in the Plaza Mayor, the rondalla that played executed several jacks and singer Antonio Périz of Santalecina, were dismissed with the following verses:
"Pastor and authorities, chaired by Puyuelo
make the town of Ainsa
be under the standard model
and San Sebastian
bless from heaven."
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"Charity does not ask what your country
or land,
as the sea called the river
tears calls her "
. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
" I give my farewell
a society alive,
other to the village Aínsa
and living in San Sebastián "(3).
In Biscarrués, at five in the morning of 20, sang the songs they called the Aurora, then the Rosary through the streets of the village and ten The procession was made. On day 22 the religious function was for the boys and 23 for married, two-day procession.
Brotherhoods auctions
few guilds not that emerged under the name of San Fabian and San Sebastian. Often the fraternity party coincided with the local party and, on this day, performing the typical meat auctions, or "relay". At present there are few remaining guilds.
Plasencia del Monte in the guild is doing the "relay". Coplillas sing at dawn and Rosario de la Aurora. Before too "releaban" in Albero Bajo, Blecua ...
The guild Abiego remember that once in his honor were celebrated festivals. Its members carry the bases of the saints in the procession. Years ago, the day the boys went around town with a sheet in which the girls threw cakes and invited them to wine and other foods. The second day of the Sacred Heart Association organized a Mass for women. The third day was young and round mass at noon, picking up cakes and money to pay the party. What remained to cover what they paid the waiters, the fifth to be exempt.
In Poleñino, the prior of the brotherhood invited the priest and all the brothers to dinner at his house. Coplillas sing at dawn each corner, announcing its way to touch the bell. La Almunia de San Juan the brotherhood afford to hire the band, in the early twenties this holiday season came and sports as popular today as the "foot-ball, while in other places such as Geser, still disputing the traditional "running of the thread" or "chicken run."
Riglos (C. Garcia)
Adahuesca had another brotherhood dedicated to these saints, the great devotion that is stored in Somontano. In Riglos Brotherhood was also, this day came to changing mairalesas, two for each Virgin (del Mallo, Remedy and Carcavilla). At the beginning of the century consisted of music festivals, dances and "lifara" of the "youths of expenditure", for which he sacrificed three "chotos" with which the authorities and entertained strangers. In Santa Maria de la Peña also killed a couple of "Chota" food for young and raffled a lamb to pay the party, in the beds were made dances and foot races.
In Country auctioned every morning collected and allocated to the shrine of the neighborhood that bears his name. The brotherhood of Sesué effected the "pllega" and then auctioned off everything in the church. Other guilds were in Gran Lierta, etcetera.
Patron Saint
Many parties in honor of San Fabian and San Sebastian have gone to be held in a bleak season and accentuated the depopulation of many villages: Aineto, Anzánigo, Beranuy, Binu, Canfranc-Pueblo, Chia , Formigales, Jasa, Lagunarrota, Lecina, Liesa, Ligüerre de Cinca, sleeper, or Santaliestra Riglos and San Quílez. Also, we celebrated in the wilds of Bolturina current, Caserras del Castillo, Grust, Janov, Olarte, Sarsa of Surat, Soperún, Tierrantona and Trillo.
Today this holiday is not celebrated with a profusion of celebrations of yesteryear. Loporzano those were very similar to those of other peoples: the cleaning of the streets preceded the firing of bombs and rockets that heralded the beginning of the holidays and at night traditional bonfires burned and then came a great rondalla of young men, directing their first songs the mayor, who regaled with fine pastas and rich wine country, and then all the people mocetas. Every day there were marches and public dances and society. At the beginning of the century also disputed the "run of men" whose winner got the typical "apple."
Naval waiters in a request made at home and, as in all other places large "tozas" fire burning in the classic, after mass the mayor and the priest presented with cakes, drinks and tobacco. In the serenade sung by popular villager Pedro "El Tejero.
Javierregay premiered in 1931 a pattern image, acquired by popular among neighbors, in that year highlighted the children's theater performances and music by Felix Ramon, Jose Ramon, violinist and guitarist, respectively.
also sang in the round to cure Igriés, he drew pasta and drinks. Another common practice was that the girls were never going to dance until the boys did not go looking for them. The young men used to roam the streets with two "chotos" rigged with a "Jubo" and trimmed, then kill them for food for the boys.
Other local festivals are held in Alerre, Biscarrués, Castejon de Monegros, District of the Parish in Alcubierre, Anso, Azanuy (currently organizing a Cultural Week), Bini, Cost, Eriste, Escarrilla, Guasa, Lanaja, La Puebla de Fantova , La Puebla de Roda, Lasieso, Linas de Broto, Luzán, Morrano, Naval, Oliver, Orna, Calle San Sebastian de Osso, Peraltilla, Sabiñánigo Alto, Selgua neighborhood of San Sebastian de Tamarite, Tierrantona, Uson, Villarreal of Canal, widows of Linas and Plasterer. Bonfires
and snacks
Elsewhere on the eve of the typical light bonfires and make snacks for him. The purifying effect of fire is of particular significance in Urdu, once planted a pine tree that burned to prevent or get rid of pests. Similarly came to Jasa. In
Agüero boys and girls sang in the streets and lit huge bonfires where roasted potatoes and meat, then had fun running around. In Artasona no Mass, procession and distribution of "charity" auction week as indicated in the "pllega" and make evening dinner for all the people.
. Alquézar prepared in large "lifaras." Cast of "charity" had, also, Bierge Radiquero, Iscles in Pilaret San Sebastian de Ribera de Vall and so on. In Azlor light bonfires in several streets and distributed poncho, sausage, chocolate and so on. In Biescas used to eat pine nuts. Ron Gavin drank ...
More fires lit in Aragüés Port, Azara, Bailo, Banastas, Barbuñales, Binacua, Buera, Castiello de Jaca, Colungo, Fago, Gurrea de Gallego, Huerta de Vero, Lascellas, Ponzano, Panticosa, Alcofea Peralta, Pertusa Pozán Vero, Rodellar, Santa Cilia de Jaca, Santa Cruz de la Serós, Alcanadre Towers, Towers Barbu, Villanúa ...
pilgrimages and fairs
Nor are few people who have a hermitage dedicated to San Sebastian, some we have already mentioned. In Albelda, one of the days of the festival of San Vicente is up to the hermitage of San Sebastian, where they sing the joys and distributed the "bread Caritat." In Arbués make a pilgrimage to the shrine of his patron on the second Sunday of May. In another chapel of San Sebastian come together in Ejep, PERARRÚA, Tower Obata Arués and The Sun, there is mass distribution of "charity" and dancing. In Lasguarres Pociello go with those.
celebrate the festival in Lanaja small. Eve up to the chapel of Castle Montoro, where they hand out cake and wine. Formerly called the saint to intercede for those doing military service and the bravest jumped the fire that lights up at the door of the chapel and sang: "(...)
San Sebastian was a soldier, and war, general, and Lanaja
we have
as patron saints "(4).
In Lastanosa also lit fires, old rose with the flag attached with cords, by weight, and going down the "drunk" in circles. Married artist hired for round, some years the famed Captain Vicente piper of Sariñena.

This day the people of Attorney, Berroy, Track remover, St. Juste, Arrese Lardiés and went to the hermitage of San Salvador and San Miguel. In Baldellou the day of San Sebastian took the opportunity to go on pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Vilavella. Other people who went to their respective hermitages of San Sebastian were Javierregay, Oto, Tuesday, Usón ...
Angüés held its annual fair, the people from neighboring villages came to provide themselves with hardware, objects of iron, tin and tools to farmers. Predominated in cattle transactions sow.
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