ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and
San Victorián
venerated on 12 January. He is a saint of Italian origin who spent much of his life in the land of Sobrarbe. The original monastery of San Viturián "as is known in the region, could be in the cave of La Espelunca in Fosado.
venerated on 12 January. He is a saint of Italian origin who spent much of his life in the land of Sobrarbe. The original monastery of San Viturián "as is known in the region, could be in the cave of La Espelunca in Fosado.
Apparently the saint's remains were moved from there to the site now occupied by the monastery of San Victorián. There, his followers established a community of monks who, favored by the kings of Aragon, came to have a great power.
The first documented that appears in the Archives in Madrid, which houses five hundred documents of the Benedictine monastery, is the year 962. Its decline began in 1571, when Pius V applied its income to the endowment of the new Bishop of Barbastro, and was consummated in 1835 with the seizure. Today only the ruins, but the few people from the nearby places of Oncins, The Map and The Death are celebrating their fiesta in honor of the saint.
Among the followers of St. Victorian highlights San Gaudioso (feast day November 3). Tradition places the burial of the saint in Fosado de Abajo, where he has dedicated the parish and even the town gets its name because it was the Holy grave or pit. San Gaudioso was bishop of Tarazona, died the year 541 and, apparently, some villagers took him to the place of Fosado; years later three monks was transferred to the monastery of San Victorián. Santa Maura
also continued the Saint, which was in love. The popular tradition that, near Bruis, San Victorian wrought a miracle: being pursued by it very quickly grew millet planted a peasant, when he asked the peasant saint San Victorián when it happened there, replied that he sowed millet. The Santa, impressed, retired near Campo and thereafter devoted his life to God. A village in the municipality Bardají Valley bears his name.
The "locusts of San Veturián"
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In Abizanda still continue the unique tradition of predicting crop according to the color of lobsters displayed on a sheet. The ritual was celebrated Valentine Victory in the Holy shrine is dedicated in this county.
currently holding passed to the weekend, and even a year has made in the parish by the weather.
Before fixing the track, walk up to the shrine by the ravine, in procession, headed by the priest and two altar boys with raised cross and bell.
Upon completion of the Mass, the pilgrims move to an open space behind the chapel, where it spreads a white cloth. Placed above the thirty-two cakes, two for each house in town, and jugs of wine. The priest blesses the bread and wine, and then start to jump on the small sheet grasshoppers. These are used to predict the abundance or scarcity of the harvest. The black color identified with wine, green olives and clear cereals. If the majority is of one color, the harvest of that fruit will be good, if there are few, it will be bad, if there are many of all colors, good for all products, and if an abundance of color and other scarce, much of the fruit and bad of others.
At the foot of the Sierra Montañesa, in the municipality of Laspuña, near San Lorien and Araguás, is the hermitage of Fuensanta with hermit home video.
The name of the chapel is, according to tradition, which passed by San Victorian, from Laspuña and Araguás way, as he was very thirsty and had not found no source on the way, this place hit with his stick on the rock and came three jets of water that remain.
went past it was three times in this place, one day the owner. At present only going the first Sunday of May.
In many parts of the region and also from the lowland (Berbegal) it came in a procession of prayers for rain during drought periods. These lasted nine days and plunged the holy ark containing the relics at the source to implore rain. This ritual was later banned by the church. If after nine days had not obtained any result, then we got to the Espelunca, which was the cave in which dwelt the Holy.
Berbegal (Photo: C. Smith).
Berbegal was organized in procession to the Source prayers to implore the rains. The movement lasted two or three days, and the arrival of "Güeñes" flag salute was among the Laspuña, Banastón, Aragua and Berbegal Pueyo, and other places that occasionally came.
Devotion to the Holy irradiated, in later centuries his death, from the monastery its name from the slopes of the Peña Ferrera the entire region, the neighboring Ribagorza and even in isolated parts of the plain. San Victorián
is the pattern of capital Sobrarbe, Ainsa, but now this festival has become the youth. Now the party's winter village is San Sebastian, "the married party, which has finished replacing the San Victorián.
Enríquez de Salamanca Cayetano said that on this day one of the boys "on a male rider, and wearing long cloak and broad hat, broadsword flying high, in which the sympathetic neighbors strung sausages and other products likely to stick to the kidney, while the saddle padded carrying the cavalry suffered the fruits and fruit orchards that produce ainsetanas "(1).
sobrarbesas are diverse populations that, on the eve of St. Victorian, turn fires and prepare meats and spirits to share in fraternal banquet. In the district of Santo Angel, Troncedo, there were also major celebration, the people attending the entire population and villages.
Pyrenean Discover where Santo was honored to Asún, Delete and Viu. The wilderness was to Asún what Borrés pattern and the small party. Both places are in the Serrablo. Widows in the area, the Abbey of San depended on Victorian, like other towns in the area. Currently still celebrating their festival. The day of "Saint Viturián" is faithfully respected, but only with religious celebration, moving the so-called secular celebrations next weekend, when there is no overlap with the calendar. The cold and snow were not used to organize dances, contest guiñote, cucañas and other festive events.
Earth Celebrations Baja
Some populations Plain also influenced the monastery of St. Victorian and for that reason he is patron. However, Novales no small festivals are held in their honor and Laperdiguera have been completely displaced by the summer.
past, in the latter population, the day before, despite the cold, had round that stretched late into the night. The day of the pattern made the round again, after the mass, and, in the afternoon, running race in the era, but also ran on the road.
the second day were gathered in round cakes and taken to the "room cost" to invite all the people in the rest of the dance. The program was completed with sack races, greasy poles and dancing. The festivities lasted three days and the years of splendor Bareche, a prominent singer and son of the population, there were round every day.
the second day were gathered in round cakes and taken to the "room cost" to invite all the people in the rest of the dance. The program was completed with sack races, greasy poles and dancing. The festivities lasted three days and the years of splendor Bareche, a prominent singer and son of the population, there were round every day.
Berbegal Party In San victory remains the largest. Previously, two or three men of the people roaming the streets, accompanied by piper Castillazuelo, singing the patron saint of romance: "Today, on January 12, Victorian Valentine, will the mass Berbegal cantadaen the village."
On the pattern, after the mass, procession and food party, was made the "run of roosters." The fans of the event berbegaleses was commendable, as described by Colum Puyó in 1880: "In the afternoon, when the neighbors have come to taste the rich dishes, the voice of the crier announces two in the afternoon the heavy traffic chicken run. At once everyone gets up from the table and are rushing to witness the curious spectacle, a real fight of lightness and agility in the legs, in which young people participate more clever of the village and the region "(2) .
On the pattern, after the mass, procession and food party, was made the "run of roosters." The fans of the event berbegaleses was commendable, as described by Colum Puyó in 1880: "In the afternoon, when the neighbors have come to taste the rich dishes, the voice of the crier announces two in the afternoon the heavy traffic chicken run. At once everyone gets up from the table and are rushing to witness the curious spectacle, a real fight of lightness and agility in the legs, in which young people participate more clever of the village and the region "(2) .
the second day of the feast was prepared three or four hurdles, coated tablecloths, and each crew went through the homes of its members to collect the cakes that had been prepared by the girls. In the same dance each gang had the "expense", which was collected cakes and drink plenty of (wine, anise, rum or cazalla). The last day of the party remaining cake was shared between the boys and spent the accounts of expenditure.
the second day of the feast was prepared three or four hurdles, coated tablecloths, and each crew went through the homes of its members to collect the cakes that had been prepared by the girls. In the same dance each gang had the "expense", which was collected cakes and drink plenty of (wine, anise, rum or cazalla). The last day of the party remaining cake was shared between the boys and spent the accounts of expenditure.
. Citation
. Citation
- ENRIQUEZ DE SALAMANCA , C., Ainsa and Sobrarbe . Madrid, 1982, p. 43.
- PUYO Colum, R.: "Berbegal" in Aragon Historical, Picturesque and Monumental . Volume I. Edited by Sebastian and Joseph Bondi Montserrat Porta Pleyer: Huesca. Zaragoza, Aragón Printing History, 1882, p. 43.
Posted in Notebooks Altoaragonesa " supplement Altoaragón Journal, Sunday 10 January 1993
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