Friday, February 18, 2011

Fond écran Gayfriendly

Carnival (2)

Bielsa Carnival (Photo: JA Adell)


By Jose Antonio CAST and Celedonio ADELL RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA

Nowadays the carnival celebration does not save the temporary rigor of the past. Ash Wednesday put the final touch to the carnival with the burial of the sardine. In some places the first Sunday of Lent, known as Piñata Sunday, could be considered as a continuation of the Carnival.

The Carnival had its very different from the plain and ancient rituals, as discussed below.

Anso and Echo Valleys

With the Civil War was lost Carnival Ansó . It started the so-called Carnival Sunday and lasts until Ash Wednesday. The first event was the round of Carnival. The waiters dressed Espedido roamed the houses and baskets (folded). Collected lean bacon, eggs ... in addition to the typical cakes made for these days bumps. The round was carried out by fifths, accompanied by accordionist Bini, and everything collected is organized snacks every day of Carnival.

Among typical masks or costumes, but also beyond the Pyrenees, were "or Toledo, a kind of bull horns chasing everyone and especially for girls; "Or Planted, two men carrying a" chub "(yoke), another holding the fourth seeding implements and ashes and throwing it to anyone who was at their scope and" as Mortalla "which came out at night and were dressed a white sheet and playing a esquileta to scare people. Other costumes were the "Onso", based on animal skins and face masque, the "Marica", a man dressed as a woman or vice versa, and pastors.

In Echo matched to the Carnival festivities. In the four days was sheared with costumes and horns, dinner, pray and dance. In Urdu through the streets with a sack of ashes, dressed and Esquillan, causing people to flee. In Siresa cowbells and wearing thick "or Sowing" threw ash.

About this valley in Puerto Aragüés of young people also drew bells and cowbells and through the villages nearby. At present, the lads will give charivaris Aragüés to Jasa.

In the latter population, the "Burial of the Sardine", was organized a procession to the outskirts of town, opened a hole and buried there sardines, which previously were shot. Crumbs and meat to the pastor, or grilled, it was the usual menus these days.

Channel Berdún

In Berdún dressing and carrying bells producing a thunderous sound. The costume were called "ragged."

In Bailo were collected, by the house of the population and the pardinas now abandoned, "chulla" that pierced the Espedido, and all kinds of sausages with which organized a delicious snack.

Old Aragon

Shrove Tuesday, as he relates Violant i Simorra, they made "a giant called peirote, who was paraded through the village in the arms of the girls." One of the typical costumes this population and other upcoming dress was covered with empty snail shells, sewn into the fabric.

The Carnival festivities were as animated as the employer. They spent several days of fun, dressing up, organizing dances and snacks with food that is collected by the house. In Botaya used to be the girls who were dressed in coats and skirts old and french fries prepared pans with eggs after the dance.
In Castiello de Jaca costumes were used in ancient costumes grandmothers. In Aratores the burial of the sardine through the streets of the town with the "puppet" as protagonist.
In Villanúa, at the funeral sardine, were spent numerous jokes. He once donned a disguise a blood sausage in the neck and cut with a knife to believe that they had cut the neck and to a lot of blood flowed.

In Canfranc this peirote or bubbler was called "Perico", being burned on Tuesday in an empty.

Jacetano Carnival had a more urban character. Today it has recovered, with parades, children's party, parade of floats and burial of the sardine. Should be considered especially Carnival organized in the ski resorts nearby.

. The Serrablo

Sabiñánigo in 1985 regained the Carnival, which also have its festive side the cultural side, with lectures, workshops masks, exhibitions and so on. The significant character of this festival is the "king taunts, which participates in the parade and at the end, after the trial, the statement executes.

These days the typical crespillos were tasted and drank quemadillo. Costume parties are organized and on Sunday "Piñata dance, which auctioned a magnificent" toya ".

Acumuer In constructing a peirote was paraded through the streets on a "esturrazo" dragged ox. At the end was shot. Also in the puppet got a bottle full of milk, she placed a hollow willow branch and, when squeezed, pulled the liquid that stained with the people.

Borrés he walked in on a donkey and the end was burned. In Larrés the doll was also taken in the round.

Escartín met in separate boys and girls. Then closed all masked and was made the round, picking up meat for a snack stop.

criticisms were made in Biescas on issues of local life. In Sobremonte Aso is masquerade and crespillos ate dessert typical of this conference.

Panticosa In , as in Biescas, has recovered the celebration of Carnival. The puppet would be burned by the panticutos "or Pedro de Carnaval", which was carried on the shoulders of the streets, sang and gave him drink, holding a buttons in the gut that changed when filled with wine. It was in the forties when the boys built the last "o Pedro de Carnaval", which hit five shots and burned the last day.

Bielsa valleys and Chistau

Carnival is where we find more rooted in the province, which is not allowed to hold and despite the prohibitions of the Franco regime.
Bielsa Carnival 2008 (Photo: Francisco Calvo Sánchez)
Bielsa In the "tranga" will find the music accompanied the "madams." The square dance features numerous characters: "Garret", "amontato", "onso" ...

The "tranga" aimed at children, hit the ground, they lift their skirts for the girls and so forth. In the plaza inviting peach cake and wine. The last day burns "Carnival", which has been hung on the facade of the Town Hall.

Carnival of
Gistaín, Plan and San Juan de Plan alternate, currently in different Sundays to allow greater participation and even greater incentive for visitors.
In San Juan de Plan is prepared "muyén" or peirote by the stewards, that night hanging on the balcony of City Hall. At noon on Saturday will pick up and mounted on a donkey, to that line. Starts the round by the town's streets, eating and drinking in every house and collecting meats in baskets which are then consumed in different teas and dinners. Once the round ended, five stewards go to look at five "madams" and organized a parade, to be followed by dancing. The last day is burned "muyén."

Carnival Violant Gistaín was described by saying that i Simorra young people dressed as "muyens" and "madams" daubs them and they with the finery and best tape they found. Dancing with a handkerchief he beat the dancer or dancer and, after some pieces, was discovered face. Piñata Sunday the peirote, who had chaired most of the acts, was hung on a roof overhang. After a discussion prepared two shots hit him and burned.

In Plan, at dawn on Sunday Piñata, cows were milked for dinner that night.

. Traveling carnivals

In the municipality of La Fueva developing since 1984 the traveling carnival. It comes down to a day, which does not stop for a minute. At ten o'clock the procession formed by numerous cars and people dressed up, some of Tierrantona. Populations are crossed seventeen orchestra. It includes sausage, potatoes, eggs, and ends at night with a dinner at Tierrantona, followed by a popular festival.

is eaten at noon in Buetas, take the Solipueyo dessert and coffee and drink in Rañin. It Fosado snack. Moreover, chocolate has been given out in Tierrantona. Other stops are in Troncedo (tapas). Formigales (desserts), Palo (sardines), Smoke (Chirete) Morillo (vermouth), loggerhead (desserts), Samper (almond paste), Charo (punch), etc..

Formerly the "carazons" was the name given to the costumed waiters roamed the villages of Toledo Creme singing and cracking jokes.

Pueyo de Aragua in the two men and two women walked the streets dressed up, being treated to various dishes that collected in a basket. Despite the prohibitions of the Franco years also continued to hold the Carnival in Los Molinos, Oncins, The Plano, La Muela and St Victorian. Shrove Tuesday was engaged to a famous prowler and the waiters roamed the villages with him, being invited in all of them. By late afternoon they met at a time to consume many snacks they had prepared the ladies and join the dance.

Posted in Notebooks Huesca, a supplement of the Journal Altoaragón . Sunday February 28, 1993
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