ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and
Some of the holidays we celebrate today have come to lose, in part, its own meaning, immersed in an increasingly consumerist society. For celebrations is as universal as the "day of love."

Many of these festivals are much awaited by traders because they can always be a source of income, but may have lost some of its real meaning, its value, even romanticism. Valentine's Day is popularly known as "Valentine's Day."
Valentine, a priest in Rome in the third century, was arrested, beaten and beheaded in 270. Since ancient times has been considered the patron saint of lovers. In medieval poetry of Francois Villon, entitled "Valentine", expresses the feelings of the poet imprisoned and on that day (February 14) reminded his beloved.
Talking about love brings us to those couples who have distinguished themselves by their unfortunate love, going to the field of historical or the legendary. Do not talk about historical figures, from which in ancient times referred to Antony and Cleopatra and our Medieval Spain to Cid and Doña Jimena, whose marriage is despite having killed the father of Jimena Cid.

The Legend of Romeo and Juliet perhaps the most universal, so that has become known as the lovesick suitors "Rome." The legend comes from a tale of Xenophon of Ephesus, but among the many authors that deal with none so brilliantly as Shakespeare in his play Romeo and Juliet.
in Medieval Spain also is based La Celestina Fernando de Rojas Bachelor of two players: Calixto and Melibea.
Lovers of Teruel

"Lovers of Teruel" Antonio Muñoz Degrain.
In Aragon also have "lovers" and also with universal recognition, so that the city where the incident occurred has been renamed in some brochures, "City of Lovers."
The legend refers to the love of Diego de Marcilla and Isabel de Segura. Also many authors have written several times about our lovers, but perhaps the best known work is that of Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch Lovers of Teruel, written in 1836. In 1961 the French director Raymond Rouleau made a film version of the theme.
Teruel Legend has historical basis, supported by the discovery in 1555 of two mummified bodies in the church of San Pedro in that city, Diego and Isabel assumptions.
The facts come to be: in 1217 Diego Marcilla falls for the daughter of Pedro Segura, Isabel, asking her in marriage, but his father reminds him that has many brothers and have little inheritance. Agree within five years to enrich Diego is going to the area of \u200b\u200bMuslims. When is the deadline, Diego returns and finds Elizabeth and married. Then she dies and, embracing his body, also expires. For this reason we agreed to bury them together in the church of San Pedro. Antonio Ubieto supports the historical value of the facts, on the grounds that both families are documented in the thirteenth century and Sunday's performance as a judge of Teruel Celadas in those years.
Today visitors come Teruel go to church of San Pedro, where you can see the chapel of lovers, and the room adjacent to the church where he represents the tomb of the lovers, whose graves were made some years ago by Juan de Avalos.
Albelda lovers
Albelda (Photo: C. Smith)
In the province of Huesca we talk about star-crossed lovers. The locations are situated and Albelda Graus. In both cases the story, with hints of a legend, dates from the XVI century.
For literana population, the stage of affairs is the castle of Albelda. We put ourselves in the population at that time with Gelabert as lords of the castle. The chronicler of Philip II, goalkeeper Henry Cock, passing through the town in 1585 writes that "Villita, buried among the rocks, near a castle and has fallen near the west, north on a high hill has a shrine San Sebastian. The church in this town are back with a date stone tower dedicated to San Vicente. " That church had been erected into a collegiate church by papal bull in 1560.
The 1585 is the year in which courts opened in Monzón by Felipe II should be moved to the king Binéfar sick and shut in the latter town in December. The monarch stays at home Binéfar Barber. Possibly from there proceed the bandit Sir Michael John Barber, who dies in Luesia in 1589.
Barber in 1585 had moved to Lupercio Lateran, another illustrious robber, on the banks of the Ebro, where the band joins the sallentino Marton. Elbow assault and then participate in the extermination of Jewry Moorish Pina de Ebro, killing two hundred Moors.
Barbastro In 1587, Monsoon and Tamarite sign a sisterhood agreement to fight the bandits, to the performances of Barber and his cronies in the area. Albelda castle in ruins, it becomes shelter Barber's band.
In Pina de Ebro, Barber had abducted two beautiful Moorish castle that would Albeldense, where they would be retained. A young Albeldense falls for one of them and in the absence of Barber enters the castle to visit his beloved.
Once Barber finds them together and displaying the toughness that characterized him hanged sends both.
The incident shocked the public and Barber had to flee to Benabarre, while the bodies of the two lovers were buried together. Barber
die assassinated a few years later by his peers, pistols, which were those who received the reward he offered.
The neighbors asked that the castle was completely demolished, as was still a refuge for bandits. Felipe II wanted to save the chapel of San Vicente which was in its enclosure, but the town, fearing new attacks by bandits, was ordered to the devastation in a letter dated April 6, 1593, while Don Francisco de Gelabert would ask for compensation as lord of the castle.
Graus lovers

Mur Palace of XV century, in Graus (Photo: C. Smith)
The difficulty lies in knowing what really happened, because several versions circulating, none with historical overtones, and have even been some work who have denied the legend itself.
One version attributed Mur loves to Rodrigo, Count of Lapenilla, father and another son. The father was involved in the alterations of the area, like Barber, next to the Conde Duque de Ribagorza Gurrea Don Hernando de Aragon. He led a very turbulent life, enriched by horse smuggling and banditry. Apparently, he fell in love with Sissy, love hard, because the Earl was married. However, at least, could leave their feelings carved in stone. Others attribute the child's affairs. The legend says that the father wanted his son to marry a rich heiress of Graus, but he was in love with Mary or Marica. It appears that the father and son have their friction over these affairs, but they finally fixed the wedding to the claims of his father, and to the amazement of the guests and the bride's blush, Rodrigo taught stone plinth record commanded to leave no doubt of their love. In the end, it seems, that the wedding was Rodrigo and Marica and this time the story of the lovers would end happily, unlike the above cases.
Patron Saint
On this day some small towns celebrate or celebrated your party small. Thus, in Lacuadrada belonging the municipality of Torres de Alcanadre, now the feast of St. Valentine is the only one celebrating. On this day there is mass, procession, popular street food, and dance contest guiñote.
Javierre del Obispo, with a declining census in the town of Biescas, and does not organize any event. Abena also celebrating this holy festival in winter.
In Barbastro, the neighborhood celebrates Valentine's party, like the other neighborhoods in the city, in the summer.
Posted in Notebooks Altoaragonesa " supplement Altoaragón Journal, Sunday 14 February 1993
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