ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and
Image of St. Agatha of Selgua (Photo: C. Smith)
Santa Agueda, Agate or Gadea was born in Palermo in the third century, Catania being martyred in the year 251. His feast is celebrated on 5 February and is the patroness of women.
Traditionally, St. Agatha was the patron of married women and Santa Apolonia (February 9) I was unmarried, although nowadays usually single and married her party held jointly, except in some populations of Lower Cinca where both celebrations are held.
The most popular holidays in our country, dedicated to Santa, are the Zamarramala in Segovia, where appointing two mayors, mayors of the religious, who dressed in rich robes and carrying XII century rod presidential authority the procession of the saint, after which all women are dressed girls that accompany them. Hold a dinner at which the priest is the only male involved. Acts to end the ancient dance of the wheel.
Escatrón (Photo: C. Smith)
In Aragon is known the festival dedicated to the Holy Escatrón , which is worth mentioning the procession of the blessed bread and dancing in the film, which is part of their peculiar dance, the one in Aragon is played only by women. Josefina
Rome says that the sign for milk is present in this celebration, as well as that of St. Bridget (February 1). St. Agatha, who was cut in both breasts martyrdom, is the patron saint of women who raise them. So the party is regarded as married couples.
is also a party investment, foreshadowing the Carnival . In a rural society where the man was about roles, she moved to the man at the assumption of these roles: organize your food, get to dance, participate in the round, and so on.
Mayor for a day
Tardienta (Photo: C. Smith)
In Tardienta women name their mayor. Before the war, women went to the shrine of the saint buried today. Hermitage Road and at a place and near where it passed by men, who were married in that year they had to teach the other league, consisting of a swift with both ends forming two branches.
Grañén (Photo: C. Smith)
Grañén In the eve, at midnight, was appointed by the mayor, who receives a bouquet of flowers and the baton from the mayor to hold the government of the people for twenty-four hours. Earlier in the day of the Saint, the men were not the people, and if you catch some "had the old." The "run of the roulade, in pairs, one of the moments most anticipated day. Roscones, who have been blessed in the religious celebration, they run to the sound of music. No matter what is successful, then it will be shared in open guild.
Also in Castejon de Sos woman is elected mayor with a baton, respecting their decisions even in regard to municipal life.
Verses, coplillas and "cuplillas"
"Today is the feast of St. Agatha,
by many martyrdoms the
posing and his father, who was a great heretic, Agatha's breasts
commanded cut.
get up devotees of Agatha,
that we will pray the Rosary,
women in this holy town
for today be the day of redemption. "
( Alcalá del Obispo )
The coplillas, also called couplets or cuplillas "Santa Agueda, the women sang six or seven o'clock, then went to ring the bells and occasionally joked with the men who were in their way. then to the chocolate.
Poleñino (Photo: C. Smith)
Poleñino In between corner and corner touches the bell (they have ever been to "esquillón") before going to pray the rosary: \u200b\u200b"Today is a day of great joy, which we will asociarcelebrando sludge Santa Agueda gloriosay not forgetting San Sebastian .... "
The mairalesas, one married and one unmarried, are responsible for organizing events in honor of the saint. The single mairalesa through the streets collecting money in the days before this date to cover expenses. After lunch, the runs are disputed or roscones Tortel pedestrian and pulled the rope.
Pertusa In the eve, sing to Santa on the door of the church. In the morning, at five, sing coplillas and then attend the recitation of the rosary. After preparing the chocolate and attend noon mass. The feast is prepared by the four mairalesas, who are dressed manolas, blanket and comb. Are spread over the cake and buns blessed among the population.
In Antillón coplillas also sang and played that day "olleta" pouting. Also in Argavieso coplillas was singing before sunrise, invited to pray the rosary.
Berbegal (Photo: C. Smith)
Berbegal In the party is in full force. In this township we find the ancient shrine of St. Agatha, with a megalith. There are mass coplillas, food, bonfires and a dance year.
Castejón In Monegros made chocolate, but before the women also sang songs and dances organized. In almost all people are singing the coplillas monegrinos had foot races and women.
Flumen San Lorenzo (Photo: C. Smith)
San Lorenzo del Flumen has recently raised a chapel dedicated to St. Agatha. In women Lalueza caused great buzz on this day, roaming the streets with a car when caught branching and a waiter will not let go throughout the day forced him to drink and be at your service. Playing football against married unmarried, and at night they dance and round.
Lalueza (Photo: C. Smith)
In Marcén women had run, snacks and dancing.
Marcén (Photo: C. Smith)
Garden (Photo: C. Smith)
Peñalba In married organize their festivals, especially dancing and bonfires, while unmarried women have the reply on the day of Santa Apolonia.
Lanaja sang in the church door couplets like this: "A Santa Guede benditale cantarpara come to save us the day we tetael children.

Peñalba (Photo: C: García)
Alcofea Peralta (Photo: C. Smith)
Alcofea In Peralta, by morning, there is bell ringing, religious acts in which several women are dressed manolas with their black suits and combs, and the sharing of cake out of the church. In the afternoon, racing on the square and skill games, to finish the dance. At one time the cake was run by men. So in 1927, as described in La Voz de Aragón, "in the religious ceremony was blessed cakes with the attendees were presented, which were then further trophy for the winners of the pedestrian runs that were held by the later, and were Plácido Tornos, Juan Gambau and Bernardo Lopez, married, unmarried children, respectively "(1).
The party was organized by the "overseer", supported by other women. The day before sang a beautiful romance to Santa and then other romances and ballads to the priest, the mayor and family, the teacher and the veterinarian, accompanied by local musicians.
Peraltilla (Photo: C. Smith)
Peraltilla In and some populations of Somontano choose a prioress, to be married, and his assistant to be single. They are responsible for organizing the festival and raise money to cover the days before the party and also for the needs of the parish.
Robres (Photo: C. Smith)
Robres In women emulate men's suits, in Sena burn an effigy, a prelude to the Carnival, in towns of Jacetania no lack of women's dinner ...
Women Binaced
Binaced Women celebrating the feast of St. Agatha (Photo: JA Adell)
. . Day February 5,
very pointed, St. Agatha
venerate holy.
Águeda Poor
this day I cut off her breasts
being alive. " The
very pointed, St. Agatha
venerate holy.
Águeda Poor
this day I cut off her breasts
being alive. " The
coplillas to Santa, in this population, we are at the time of day that women "take" the population. By the evening was passed by the house to pick up the cake and bottle of champagne, one for home. Many women, on that night, or even lie down.
the day of the patron is praying the rosary, procession and chocolate in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. This place is preparing a large bonfire that will burn throughout the day.
Meanwhile, the liveliest have gone to wake the neighborhood and to have been introduced by the house if someone was asleep out of bed. Others have begun the first jokes directed against the baker, the milkman or a absent-minded traveler who has passed the occurrence of this day by the population.
At noon we celebrate the Mass and the parade. Then comes the common meal round the fire to make the rum burned. It is the most dangerous time for men who come for that place. The atmosphere is heated and the jokes are of diverse cultures. If anyone wants to be funny not escape the fall ritual of pants, but on that day everything is accepted with good humor.
The celebration ends with the dance, where they eat the cake that was collected the day before and where, of course, men are invited to dance, eat and drink.
The mule round
Fornillos (Photo: C. Smith)
Some people have as their patron Saint Agatha in her honor and celebrate the festival or small. On this date are the main festivals Arrés, Fornillos (in La Hoya), Salinas de Jaca, Usana and Raluy depopulated.
Ontiñena (Photo: C. Smith)
is the second Bentué of Rasal party, smoke Rañin, Aesthetics, Latre, Ontiñena , Pardinilla, Rañin, Sinués, Solipueyo, Villacarli and are devoid of Puy de Cinca and Torruellola de la Plana.
Ontiñena In the days before the party through the village to collect eggs or money. Women make cakes that will be distributed, after blessing the day of the patron. Other featured acts include dance costumes, and the test cucañas cross country district school. Once, after the ringing of bells announcing the beginning of the neighborhood parties, singing the traditional romance to the Virgin, repeating then the girls of the town and strangers, traversed by the piper. There were foot races, horse runs tapes, concerts and dances in the theater and lounge Guioni chickens.
Fonz (Photo: C. Smith)
Some stocks held for San Blas festivities include the Feast of St. Agatha as the third and final day of festivities, linking both parties with the so-called "San Blaset." In Fonz, for some years, women organized the so-called "round of the mule, one of them, dressed in their finery, mounted a mule richly caparisoned with ornaments and bells, covering all households, along with the round. The fun all day long is continuous, bell-banding, men jokes, songs ... The next day still held Santa Aguedeta.
remains, finally, discuss the urban holding, because in rural areas in almost all populations are celebrations in his honor, especially in central and southern regions of the province. The Huesca, according to The News published early this century, on this day "were many devotees, mostly female, who went to visit the shrine of the Martyrs, located outside the city, where they worship the image of the saint "(2).
In Jaca, after the Mass, share some delicious pastries called" tits. "Binéfar is a bonfire in the square and community meal in which only involved the women. In almost all our cities Housewives' Associations have organized various activities, including cultural weeks vindication on the rights of women.
- La Voz de Aragón , February 15, 1927.
- The News, February 7, 1909.
Posted in Notebooks Huesca, a supplement of the Journal Altoaragón . Sunday February 7, 1993
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