ADELL By Jose Antonio GARCIA RODRIGUEZ Celedonio CAST and We
time Carnival. It may seem a truism that times have changed, but the reality is that in those populations where Carnival has been recovered, it has nothing to do with the old and which has remained, even in Franco period, the been some changes.
Carnival Days are Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, ie the three days preceding Ash Wednesday. But other days may be designated as the beginning of Carnival ("Thursday fat", San Antonio. Etc.): "To San Anton, Shrovetide are."
Its origins must be placed in the Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Lupercalia Matronalia, according to anthropologist Caro Baroja, although survivals of pre-Roman cultures. Bakhtine put into a common trunk various parties (the donkey, the crazy ...) and Carnival, which reflect an alteration of the established order of the world upside down.
In the Middle Ages are the struggles of Don Carnal and Doña Cuaresma, when the Church has assimilated the celebration by placing before the Lenten period, to be period of fasting and austerity, compared to Carnival, a period of excess and overeating.
Among the various meanings of carnival is to highlight the following:
- a) Step of death (winter) to life (spring).
- b) Commencement of the production cycle of nature.
- c) time reversal phenomenon, which also bears his scheme on other parties.
- d) Celebration of the holidays.
- e) Changing roles and social roles.
- f) Review of the established power or of the surrounding culture.
- g) glorification of oppressed social groups or sectors.
In Spain, virtually all regions have been populations maintained under Franco celebrations despite the prohibitions. The best known, in the tourist side are those of Tenerife and Cadiz. Other ritual are invaluable Laza, Galicia, those of Tolosa, Basque Country, those of Lanz in Navarra, those of Ciudad Rodrigo, La Bañeza and community Cebreros Castilian-Leonese, those of Miguel, in Castilian-La Mancha community, the Belgians, in Valencia, those of Villanueva de la Vera and Badajoz in Extremadura, and Villanova and Geltrú, Sitges Solsona in neighboring Catalonia.
Carnival Aragon

In Aragon we must distinguish between urban and rural carnivals. Among those in Zaragoza city are marked by the figures of Shrovetide and the King of Gallos. Picnics, the heifers and costume parties are the biggest events. I recall the "Cincomarzada" as eminently carnival party, but normally located in time of Lent.
Within the province of Zaragoza are outstanding Épila Carnival, where there is competition mascarutas murgas and walk the streets, the mayor being locked at home during those days.
Teruel in the province must mention some peculiarities of Aliaga (throws water syringes), Cella (Will keep puppets), Mirambel (with the "motley") and Mas de las Matas (with its "mochiganga").
In the province of Huesca discussed below, not without mentioning the excellent work of Manuel Benito Moliner. The cycle carnival in the Central Pyrenees where he says that "the carnival itself is the central ritual and principal of a cycle that seeks to fertilize the earth and everything depends on it. This ritual does not begin and end in itself, but given the importance of the purposes intended, must be preceded by others who believe the most favorable conditions for the occurrence Carnival "(1). For that reason many of the festivals are in the Alto Aragón Carnaval find ingredients. Josefina
Rome in this sense, speaks of the translation of the features of Carnival to other parties: "On the other hand, being Carnival, the mirror that you look at other parties, has come to be understood as its ceremonial the Party in general, and no wonder that the holidays have in part some of its characters, that people who hold it seem merely indicative party "(2). Joseph C. Lison said that "the carnival party has been very similar in their development throughout the province and, although there are many variations between people, all agree in their overall development" (3). The truth is that we have to clarify that there are differences Carnival acute between mountain and plain, and between urban and rural.
Some features of the carnival Aragon
- A) Reversal of social role or character set.
- B) Change of personality.
- C) peirote or bubbler.
- D) The food.
These celebrations usually involved only young men, although there were also only men and in other cases was the entire village. Of course also drank too much wine, spirits, and so on.
- E) jokes.
In the days of Carnival were changed place objects, were made "masquerade" of ash, water, flour or azulete (Field), are chasing the girls and boys (Trang) and even going to annoy people nearby.
- F) Transfer to other parties.
Other festive celebrations, as we alluded to above, kept the character of the Carnival. Indeed, before the ban on the party began to gain importance other festivities that had collected various ingredients it. So it is with the party of the fifth. In Tamarite populations, Altorricón or Albelda, the fifth party is almost a full week of idleness of its participants, which made rounds through the village and the towers to order meats, participate in dinners every day and pray ; tease and the fifth attempt that year to do something sounded.
Also some other celebrations in the province of Huesca retain the character of the Carnival. Is the case with the party of "Old Remolona" Torres de Montes or Alcubierre, which is also round and burning or destruction of lazy, despite his party takes place in full Lent.
Survivals and new
Bielsa Carnival 2008 (Photo: Francisco Calvo Sánchez)
To study a traditional carnival, perhaps we have no choice but to enjoy the festivities of the places where they have not interruption imposed after the Civil War. The highlight of Bielsa with his characters and their ritual of deep meaning, Gistaín Valley (Plan, San Juan and Gistaín), or the Country.
In recent years the various populations have recovered, but the conclusion is completely different. Almudévar cite, Ayers or Torrente de Cinca. To have appeared traveling carnivals, this is the case of The Fueva or the Vero. Among the urban carnival worth mentioning those of Fraga, Huesca, Monzon and Sabiñánigo, without detracting from those of other cities. On the other hand, few schools where no organized "school carnivals."
. Citation
- BENITO, M.: "The cycle carnival in the Central Pyrenees" in Annals English Village Museum . 1990, vol III, p. 108.
- ROME, J.: Aragon and Carnival. Zaragoza, Ed Guara, 1984, pp. 91 and 92.
- LISON, JC: Culture and identity in the province of Huesca (A View from Social Anthropology) . Zaragoza. CAI, 1986, p. 178.
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